Coaching Skills

What Makes ITN Different?

What Makes ITN Different
– There are numerous health coaching certification programs available and deciding which one is best for you can can seem overwhelming!

– ITN offers you a proven, done-for-you coaching system that offers you the ability to begin coaching right away without the guesswork.

– We are the only school that brings health coaching, life coaching, and wellness coaching into one certification.

– At ITN, you’ll learn all that you need to know about becoming a successful Health Coach, running a business, and how to truly get your clients results.

– We support you as a student and as a grad with continued education and a supportive community every step of the way and beyond!

– ITN is unlike any other program and will ensure you become a credible and successful Health Coach!


With numerous health coaching certification programs available, Natalie was starting to get overwhelmed.

So many programs sounded good on paper, but which one would actually give her the credible education she needed to excel in the health coaching industry?

She needed to know she would be able to do it, that it wouldn’t be too hard, and that she could make a living as a health coach.

Most of all, she needed to understand how each school was different so she could choose the one that best suited her needs and would allow her to do the work she wanted to do when she graduated.

Can you relate to this feeling of overwhelm? We hear you and we are here to help you begin your journey to becoming a successful Health Coach with ease and confidence.

At ITN, we’ve made it easy for you to see how we stand out in a sea of certification programs and how you can do the same as a coach. Trust us when we say we’re not just your average, ho-hum certification program. We have all the bells and whistles and even more!

Let’s explore what makes ITN different!

what makes ITN different



ITN offers a proven, done-for-you health coaching system and easy to follow protocols so you can treat all the most common health conditions with ease and confidence.

This unique system took years to develop, and ITN is the only school to use a personalized system to make health coaching so simple yet so effective. Pretty cool, huh?

You won’t find a done-for-you coaching system like this anywhere else. Look no further, you’ve found your home!


How can you be a successful life coach if you have no idea how to help someone balance their hormones, rescue their adrenals, and feed their body and soul?

Easy, you can’t!

At ITN, we know that you can’t help someone transform their life without knowing how to transform their health.That’s why Transformational Nutrition Coaching is the first ever method to combine health, wellness, and life coaching into one certification! You see, we knew that combining these into one certification would make you one of the most qualified (and saught after) Health Coaches in the industry!



ITN provides the most comprehensive functional nutrition education available and is the only health coaching certification school to combine the science of nutrition with the psychology and spirituality of nutrition so you can get your clients results that last.

ITN also provides in-depth training in proven health coaching methods, including the Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method and business building blueprints so you can easily build the business of your dreams and continue to bring in clients while following your passion and doing what matters.


Here at ITN, we know that in order to stand out and truly become a go-to expert, specialization is key. That’s why we offer eight different speciality programs to choose from, to help you stand out and further establish confidence and credibility by certifying you in the most in-demand areas including digestive health, autoimmune disease, mental health and emotional eating, and more!

Most programs are missing something (but you’ve probably already noticed that)! ITN went the extra mile (or ten) to bundle everything you’ll ever need to know into our two unique certifications!

Why? Because we know that in order to be a successful Health Coach, you need to be well-rounded and have all the necessary tools right at your fingertips — that’s where we come to the rescue!


You will learn from one of the world’s most sought-after and successful health coaches, ITN founder, Celebrity Nutritionist, and Successful Health Coach, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia.

She’s been right where you are and knows exactly how to help you experience success in the health coaching industry because she’s done it. You’ll understand how to avoid bumps in the road which will save you time and money.


You’re taking a big step and investing in your future so we believe you should have the best support, coaching, and guidance available for you whenever you need it.

That’s why we have ITN Success Coaches available to answer all your questions and hold your hand every step of the way! We also offer personal mentors, a supportive student community, and live coaching and support from our founder.

The support we offer at ITN is unlike anything else you’ll find on the market! What can we say, we take a lot of pride in supporting our amazing Health Coaches!


With your ITN education, you will have the ability to provide pharmaceutical grade supplements to your clients to help maximize your income and get your clients lasting results.

We like to support you in creating multiple streams of income and this is just one of the ways we support you in doing that!


In addition to your comprehensive education, ITN offers complimentary live business, career, and health coaching trainings multiple times per month with ITN founder and CEO, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia.

These trainings are all about YOU, so you can bring your questions and get real-time answers to all of your most pressing business and coaching questions!

You’ll never have to worry about keeping up with changes within the Health Coaching industry because we have your back (as always)! We keep you up-to-date and informed whether you’re a current student or a graduate!

Want To Be A Successful Health Coach?


One key component to ITN that our students can’t say enough about is our powerfully supportive and helpful community. There is no competition in the ITN community, only likeminded students and graduates who want to help each other grow and thrive in their careers.

There’s a reason we call our students and graduates family because that’s exactly what they are! Through our supportive student community, you’ll be able to connect with ITN students and graduates from around the world for inspiration, ideas, and collaboration.


We are so proud to have the best of the best in the industry as part of our faculty!

The accomplished ITN Medical Advisory Board and Faculty members are the new generation’s thought leaders in health and nutrition and believe in the power of health coaches.

These leading experts are committed to you and reveal their exact protocols, systems, business strategies, and most importantly, the truth about what really works behind-the-scenes to get lasting results for their clients – and they tell you how you can do the same.

You’ll learn and hear from faculty members like Shawn Stevenson, Katie Wells (Wellness Mama), JJ Virgin, Dave Asprey, Gina Devee, and so many more. Head here to learn about our amazing faculty!


By partnering with Carnegie Mellon University, we are able to provide our students and graduates with free continuing education courses to further deepen their expertise and credibility.

If you’re a lifelong learner (which we all are!), you’ll love all of the bonus content we offer you, so that you can thrive as a Health Coach!


You will receive certification badges upon course completion that you can use on our website, social media channels, and wherever else you’d like to add credibility and show that you are a true expert so clients choose you.

After all, everyone loves a little swag! (Especially when that swag  shows off your hard work!)


ITN is accredited by numerous esteemed associations include:

  • Better Business Bureau
  • National Association of Nutrition Professionals
  • Canadian Association of Holistic Nutrition Professionals
  • American Nutrition Association, International Coaching Federation
  • International Institute For Complementary Therapists
  • many more so our students are seen as credible and confident!

Choosing a school with accreditations and partnerships is essential if you’re looking to make a name for yourself as a Health Coach! Wanna check out all of our accreditations and partnerships? Head here!


By simply becoming a student at ITN, you will already be making an impact on others and helping ITN support two causes that are near and dear to our hearts, the Sergeant Zak Garcia Scholarship Fund where we award 10 full scholarships each month to veterans so they can discover how to heal their bodies and hearts and help others do the same, and the Just Like My Child Foundation helping girls change the world.


Here at ITN, we believe you shouldn’t have to be wealthy to be healthy. That’s why we offer the most comprehensive health coaching certification programs while making our pricing affordable for most every budget.

We would never want something like money to hold you back from doing the work you love and living a life of purpose. Head here to connect with us about finding an option that works for you and helps you to pursue your dreams and your purpose!


There are many health coaching certification programs available, but when choosing the right program for you, make sure you consider a variety of factors. (And make sure it feels right to you — hello, intuition!)

Look for a program that will make it easy for you to do the work you want to do, a program with easy, done-for-you, proven systems that will help you coach confidently, and a program that will ensure you look and feel credible enough to build your business and get clients in the door.

You should also look for a program that is committed to you and making sure you will become the best coach you can be and one that is committed to making a difference in your life and the world.

In short, you can’t go wrong with ITN! If you have any questions or would like to speak with an ITN Success Coach in more detail about your program options, simply email

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  1. […] to join a community of amazing, uplifting, like-minded people? Join the ITN family! Click here to read all about how ITN is different from other Health Coaching Schools and our supportive […]

  2. Earvin says:

    This ITN information is really interesting! Looking forward for the next post related to this

    • Team ITN says:

      Hey Earvin!! SO glad you enjoyed it! What was the most interesting part of it? Tell us what other topics you’re interested in and we’d be happy to share more articles with you!

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