Coaching Skills

ITN Student Success: Layne Lyons

Student Success Story: Layne Lyons


Meet Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC), Layne Lyons!

This ITN graduate has had an amazing journey, which has led her to where she is today.

As a Legal Coach for Health Coaches, Layne travels the world doing what she loves, and helps others to protect their business in order to build success.

Her inspiration, determination, and persistence inspires us daily! In fact, we love what Layne is doing so much that we invited her to be one of our ITN mentors and guide other coaches through their ITN journey!

Read on to find out how Layne overcame her own health battle and being in a wheelchair to finding her true passion of helping others every step of the way!


I have been coaching for five years.


My niche is providing legal structures for Health Coaches so that their business is protected from anyone stealing their content or draining their bank account!


I have been a lawyer for 25 years! I’ve started and successfully run five corporations, written and published three books, spoken on stages across the US, and worked with children in several countries, empowering them to live mindfully and dream big!

With all of my experiences and the insights I gained, you would think I would have known better. And in some ways, I suppose I did!

However, I still got screwed over — big time!

I wish I didn’t have to tell you this story….it’s embarrassing! But, I will not let what happened to me happen to you. So, I’m spilling the beans on myself.


From a very young age, I looked out for my friends!

I was the kid who, while being friendly, energetic, and playful, was fiercely loyal and would stick up for my friends on the playground, especially the underdogs.

Looking back, it’s no surprise that after graduating from Duke Law School 25 years ago, I went to work for the District Attorney’s office in Atlanta, helping the most vulnerable people in society.

I quickly realized that I loved helping people feel safe, protected, and powerful in their own lives.

Throughout my career, I focused on protecting the rights of children and animals. I got to be a superhero every day!

But while I was taking care of others, I forgot to take care of myself, and years of self-neglect caught up with me. I ended up sick, with crippling pain, in a wheelchair, and without the use of my arms or legs. My doctors called it “Incurable Fatigue.”


I didn’t accept the diagnosis and sought several opinions from doctors all over the United States, from New York to San Francisco and many in between!

They all said the same thing and told me that I should get used to my wheelchair because there was no cure, and I would never walk again.

That’s when the protector in me woke up and started fighting for myself. I didn’t accept the sentence and took my healing journey into my own hands.

I went to hospitals in Switzerland and Mexico, but still, no one could help me. Then I became adventurous and tenacious in finding a cure. I did anything and everything I thought might help me.

This included an 18-month juice fast, daily bee venom injections, 500 IV transfusions in one year, and I ate turmeric mud (and oh, it tastes as good as you are imagining!).

You name it; I tried it! Finally, somewhere amidst all the changes to my diet, my daily routines, and my mental state, something worked, and I was able to heal myself and walk again.

This was when I knew I wanted to share my success and help others who were fatigued like me.


Soon after, I became a Certified Health Coach through the Institute of Transformational Nutrition.

I coached women on how to increase their energy levels, which is where I earned the nickname of “Energy Magician.” I have taught women across four continents to protect themselves from becoming depleted and sick.

I was on a high, and I loved seeing the results in women and having a business that transformed lives.

And then I made a huge mistake!

legal protection for entrepreneurs


I received an offer to enter into a sort of partnership — one that was too good to pass up! Even though I knew better, I proceeded with NO written agreement. (Gasp!)

And the unthinkable happened…I got totally double-crossed.

All of the content I had created for the partnership was stolen! Because we both had complete access to everything with no legal document to manage things, I couldn’t protect the content.

All of my money was even gone (both the money I had invested and all of the money I was meant to receive as we moved ahead). It was devastating — I was in shock!

However, the fierce protector in me took charge and I immediately (literally the very evening that I realized I had been ripped off) sat down and started drafting all of the contracts and agreements that a coach needs to protect their content and their income!

Over the next few months, my collection of contracts grew, and I added in several structures that coaches need to run a successful coaching business as well.


I became determined to protect every coach I encountered from being as vulnerable as I had been.

I decided I would not allow entrepreneurs, who had worked so hard to build their businesses, remain exposed, and at risk.

Because I am a Health Coach myself, I understand the unique challenges of the coaching industry.

I combined my expertise in law and my knowledge of the coaching business to create Make Legal Easy. My new mission is to empower Health Coaches to use the right contracts and agreements to protect themselves and their business.

I make the intimidating world of legal protections simple, approachable, and easy to understand by giving my clients the tools they need to protect their work and investments.

After working with me, my clients have peace of mind that their work and investments are safe, and that frees them up to focus on what they love — serve their clients, grow and expand their business, and ultimately succeed!


I have legally protected the businesses of many alumni and students of our ITN community, helping them take their businesses to the next level professionally!

My goal is to protect every single ITN coach so our school is synonymous with polished, professional coaching practices that can be trusted right out of the gate.


Before I enrolled in ITN, I thought I was the “only” person who was obsessed with food and how it affected my health!

When I got to ITN and went to my first ITN Live! Event, I met a hundred women and men who were food and health nerds just like me!

I finally found my people! It has been wonderful to be able to geek out about the effect that diet has on the body with my ITN tribe — to know that if I start talking about kale, no one will look at me like I am weird. In fact, it’s more likely that they’ll offer recipes!

Also, ITN taught me that coaching is an open-hearted art that can be learned and perfected! It taught me that when I am truly in the zone of serving others, I am at my happiest.


I offer free Legal Clarity Conversations, so coaches know exactly what they need to do to protect themselves and their businesses!

The best place to start is by scheduling a conversation with me by going to so you can learn exactly which legal essentials you need for your successful online business.

You’ve worked so hard to build your business — don’t leave it unprotected!


Instagram: @laynelyonsjd

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