Coaching Skills

Why People Are Searching for Specialist Coaches Now More Than Ever

Health Coaches Are In High Demand

You probably know by now that chronic health conditions are on the rise. Millions of people around the world are struggling with symptoms and they are becoming increasingly disappointed with the care and support they’ve been receiving. In a nutshell, people are more unhappy and unhealthy than ever.

They suffer and live with debilitating symptoms that get worse over time.


A typical journey back to health for most people starts with their family doctor where, on average, the doctor spends 8 minutes with them, provides them with a generic health plan, and writes a prescription or two based on their symptoms alone. Sometimes they are even told their symptoms are “normal”.

They hear the same information over and over, “eat healthier, exercise more, reduce your stress.” These cookie-cutter plans don’t get clients results and they can even make people feel worse when their health condition continues to deteriorate.

They may get a referral to a specialist physician after asking and asking their family doctor for more help. This can be very expensive and may disappointingly lead to the same result – especially in the cases of chronic health conditions.

At this point, many people decide to take matters into their own hands so they head to Amazon or to the bookstore to find their own solution. While this approach is empowering and can offer great information, books can’t cater to individual needs. A meal plan and a bottle of supplements won’t be the magic cure. Readers get confused, fall off the wagon, and end up in worse shape than before.


When people are struggling, they just want to be heard. They want to be understood and they want to know that they matter. With doctors unable to dedicate more than a few minutes per patient and with books and other helpful articles not being able to provide personalized solutions, people walk away disheartened again and again.

Who do they turn to when they have questions? When they want more than just general recommendations? What do they do when things get hard and they want to talk to someone who gets it? Someone who has been there? Someone that can encourage them to move forward in a way that they actually feel good about?


More and more, people are turning to Specialist Coaches. They want someone who has their own story with health issues. Someone who has overcome their struggles and is now helping others to do the same. They want someone educated in personalized nutrition and health and specific health conditions so they can finally get results.

In fact, 65-80% of people now rely on natural health as their primary form of health care.

Chronic conditions require a much deeper dive into the psychology, environmental, and lifestyle factors to get to the root causes of these symptoms.


As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC),  you can be the person they turn to when they are ready to make a change, when they want to feel empowered, when things get hard and they need support on their path.

People are searching for help now more than ever. They need Specialist Coaches who are specifically trained in supporting them through their conditions in a holistic way.

That’s why we’re the only school to offer passion-based learning. As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, you’ll receive two credible certifications in one – at no additional cost to you, including tons of done-for-you protocols and guides, so you can support your clients every step of the way, no guesswork required.

specialist health coach

People won’t be searching for just another “coach”, they will be searching for a Digestive Health Coach. Or an Autoimmune Disease Coach. Or a Mental Wellness Coach.

If you are interested in learning more about the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program at ITN, being more successful in your business, and getting your clients results so that you can truly make an impact, check out our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach program right now!

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