Coaching Skills

Your #1 Secret To Being A Successful Coach

successful coach habits

Starting your own coaching business comes with all the emotions — excitement, anticipation, and nervousness.

You start thinking about what you can do with all the knowledge you have about coaching.

And you’re excited to share that knowledge and experience with others.

But, if you’re going to be completely, 100% honest with yourself, you also know that starting (and running) your own business is a tad bit daunting too.

Maybe even discouraging some days.

There are always details to figure out — how do I get my business started, how do I get clients, how do I feed the clients I get, how do I balance everything I have to do in life and a new business, how do I take care of myself?

I mean, the list goes on (and on).

It can make you a little bit overwhelmed sometimes.

But I also want to tell you this, you wonderful human you — it’s okay if you get a little overwhelmed.

Nothing’s wrong with you, and you’re experiencing all the same feelings every entrepreneur has at some point.

So don’t feel like you’re all alone or going crazy.

Because you’re not — I get you!

And for that reason, I want to give you one of the best ways you can overcome those feelings of overwhelm and start feeling excited about coaching again.


You need to know your why for being a coach.

And what’s my why, you ask? Great question!

The super simple answer is, your why is the reason you do what you do. It’s your motivation and inspiration for being a coach.

Let’s dig into this a little deeper. Grab a pen and paper — you’re going to need it!


When you work with your clients, what’s one of the first things you try to discover with them as you start your sessions together? Isn’t it their why for wanting to work with a coach and for embarking on their health journey?

So, let’s start simple here for you, as well!

Why do you want to be a coach?

Go ahead. Start writing whatever pops into your head. It’s okay to write several whys down — it doesn’t have to be just one. You should be able to think of several!


Now, when you’re coaching, and you ask your client why they want XYZ, do you take the very first answer they give and then just move on?

Or do you dig a little deeper and ask them, “What’s the reason behind that why? Tell me more.”

It’s your turn to ask yourself that! Why did you choose those reasons you just wrote down?

Now, write that down.

Be honest with yourself! Whatever you’re writing is perfect. I’m not going to ask you to send it to me when you’re done — if it’s your why then go with it!

A lot of people are embarrassed to admit their why for being a coach or even an entrepreneur. They worry what people will think about them, that they’re too shallow, or too good for everyone else.

But this is a safe space. You’re figuring out your whys for yourself right now. So forget what other people may think, and focus on you.

A lot of people choose to be coaches because they are passionate about helping others. And I 200% get you. Being able to help others is right at the top of my list too.

But it’s okay to have other whys too! Whys that will encourage you depending on what kind of down in the dumps kind of day you’re having.


What are your deeper whys? (I hope you’re writing right now!)

I’ll share a few of mine with you that are specific to me. They’re my whys, regardless of what anybody thinks of me for having them.

I love having my own business so I can spend time with those who are most important to me, and spending time on what I want to do, rather than what a boss wants me to do.

I like to have a sleeping schedule that fits my sleep patterns — not some 9-to-5 schedule my boss needs me showing up to work for, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

And I like not having to stick to a really stuffy dress code 40+ hours a week.

See? That last one especially might seem a little silly — even somewhat shallow.

But you know what? It’s made a big difference to me! And if it’s what keeps me happy and motivated to work on my business when I’m feeling the struggle sometimes. It’s in those moments that I pull up that why and remind myself of it.

So go ahead! Even if it might seem silly or strange to others, but it’s important to you, write that baby down.

Because it’s your why, my friend. No one else’s.


Now that you’ve written down your whys – your serious ones, your goofy ones, the ones that rank highest and the ones that are on there just because – keep those in a place where you can see them often.

When life gets a little crazy, and you’re starting to feel down in the dumps, and everything seems overwhelming, that’s when you need to know why you’re building your dream as a coach.

Think about why you ask your clients about their reasons for needing you as a coach.

You ask them so that you know how to help them best, right?

Knowing their why not only helps you structure your sessions with them, but it also gives you the insight you need to encourage them when the going gets rough.

When they start to lose their enthusiasm or even start canceling sessions, you help them remember the reason they’ve been working so hard.

That’s the same reason you need to know your why.

Your why gives you purpose, encouragement, direction, hope, and security.

When you start to get discouraged, you can think about why you started doing what you’re doing in the first place.


If you ran through this article really quickly and didn’t get your pen out (no judgment!), now is your time to go back and put pen to paper.

Even if you’ve been coaching for years now, it’s still essential you know your why. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but there will be days when you need a little bit extra encouragement to keep going.

If you’d like to and feel comfortable doing it, feel free to share one or two of your whys in the comments below!

If you’re in our Facebook #TransformationGeneration, come on over and share your whys with the group too. (And if you’re not in that group, where have you been?! It’s the place to be if you’re looking to transform your health. Click here to request an add!)

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