Coaching Skills

The Virtual Doctor Will See You Now

virtual doctors

The idea of a doctor’s visit from the comfort of your own home sounds like a great idea. Perhaps you’ve already tried the telemedicine services that have become a popular add on to your health insurance plan? Or perhaps you’ve seen the ads offering unlimited virtual doctor appointments for a low, yearly fee – often with a lower or non-existent co-pay.

Virtual visits are not meant to replace all doctor visits – like your annual physical – but they can be a good option for short-term and temporary issues like colds and the flu, skin issues, and food poisoning.


Electronic medical records, wellness apps, social media healthcare – everything is moving online so why should appointments be any different? Virtual appointments also help keep the emergency room and waiting rooms less congested, with more in-person resources available for high-priority illnesses. More importantly, they save everyone – from the insurance company to the patient themselves – money.


So, how does the idea of virtual doctors and telemedicine impact the field of coaching?

Enter, the modern-day digital coach.

Companies like Noom and Virta Health are already changing the game about how the traditional healthcare system treats illness, with coaches making up the majority of their workforce. Think of it like coaches working within the clinical setting, providing feedback and recommendations to patients and clients, only the clinical setting happens to be your home office.

Through the use of a dedicated app, the coach can track their client’s progress and provide feedback, in real-time. No more waiting 4 weeks for a follow-up appointment.

The digital era of coaching also works if you have your own coaching practice. Yes, coaches, like you, can successfully operate on a digital platform to accommodate your client’s needs and schedules. Virtual coaching can also increase your reach since you’re no longer limiting yourself to clients within the same geographical location as yourself.

You may have already experimented with virtual coaching by allowing clients to keep scheduled appointments when they’re out of town, or perhaps you’re in the beginning stages of trying to implement a more digital presence. Either way, there’s a number of tools you can use to take your practice online.


Talking all things food, wellness, and health may be second nature to you, but it may be a foreign (or terrifying!) concept to potential clients. Many will avoid the idea of working with a coach for this reason; however, a virtual appointment tends to be viewed as a safer space than meeting in person.

Clearly advertise that you offer virtual appointments without the need for an in-person meet-up. As you begin working with your new remote clients, pay attention to how they communicate and what their primary issues are – chances are, they’ll be very different compared to your in-person clients, so adjust your coaching style accordingly.


One of the primary reasons clients are reluctant to sign up (and pay for) a long-term program, is their schedule. This month might look great, but next month has your client traveling for work and hosting out of town visitors, making that standing Tuesday 4:00pm appointment a 50/50 chance of happening.

Let your clients know if they purchase a package, they have the opportunity to cancel and reschedule one appointment per program, without penalty. Yes, this creates a little more work on your end, but ultimately a happier client.


One of the issues with remote and digital coaching is how you share information like handouts and plans with your clients. Of course, you can email them, but is the directive clear or will your client outcomes be compromised because there’s a misunderstanding?

Invest in your materials ensuring they are online-ready at all times. Consider branding them with your logo or color scheme, and most importantly, ensure they are easy to understand and interpret since you won’t be there in person to explain. Consider an online Facebook Group specifically for remote clients to connect and ask questions allowing you to answer in an efficient manner.


If you want to attract clients outside your geographical area, you have to market your business outside your geographical area. A great way to do this is by networking and partnering with brands or even other coaches in different locations.

Consider reaching out and asking if they’d like to cross-collaborate – exchanging blog posts, speaking on a podcast, or advertising their product is a great way to expand your virtual audience. National events and conferences are also a great way to promote your services since people travel from all over to attend. Make sure you give your business card to everyone you speak to and be sure to mention that you’re currently accepting new clients!

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