Psychology of Nutrition

4 Step Self-Care Assessment

4 Step Self-Care Assessment

Life pulls us in a thousand different directions, and sometimes we have to work so hard to keep everything in balance. But with all of these things going on, one thing that tends to happen is that we lose sight of the most important part of the equation – ourselves.


The emotions and stresses of life and all of our various responsibilities take a toll on all of us and leave us feeling like we have nothing left for ourselves.

Self-care is one way to make sure to stay in balance and in tune with the needs of your mind, body and spirit while dealing with the ups and downs that life throws your way.


In a nutshell, self-care is making sure we take the time to do things for ourselves, which allows us to slow down and really connect to what our bodies are telling us. Many of us go for so long pouring everything we have into the world around us, that we forget some of the simplest things about ourselves, and self-care is a way to tune back into that.

It starts with self-assessment.

Now that may sound deep and complicated but you can make it easy with just four steps. Let’s take a look at them now.


  1. Start by thinking of the areas in your life that drain you, anger you, or that stress you out.
  2. Then, think of what you want or need more of, what you’ve been missing.
  3. Combine these two ideas and look at what you come up with. For example, “I feel deprived of quiet time to myself because I am so consumed with my work. I am really in need of some time to pursue my passion for poetry.”
  4. Then, make a plan to achieve this goal. Set time aside to write, to read, to get a massage, to exercise, or do whatever it is you need more of in your life. Or, as we like to say here at ITN, what you’re really hungry for.

Now, this can seem like one more thing to add to your already long list of things to do, but it is really essential to your health and wellbeing. You have to clear your plate and find the time to really care for yourself.

Why? Because when you’re able to incorporate regular self-care into your life, you’ll be amazed at the positivity and light that comes with it. This will reflect on how you show up in your life and in the lives of those around you.

You will find that you are more effective, have more energy, better self-esteem, more love to give, and more compassion, and this positive energy will start to come right back to you in ways you wouldn’t even expect!


And remember, you have to start somewhere.

So why not start here? And now?

Once you do start and maintain your self-care, it will get easier and will become a part of your daily life, just like any other habit you have.

The most important thing, don’t let your self-care fall by the wayside.

You have to make sure to continue your self-care routine in good times and bad, to ensure that you are paying attention to yourself and your needs throughout life’s ups and downs.


Life will continue to pull you in a thousand different directions, but when you are caring for yourself along the way, you will be healthier emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Self-care will help you to improve your minds, body, and soul, so that your true self and power can really shine through.

So invest in yourself, make time for self-care, and step into your power again. You’ll be amazed at what taking care of yourself will do!

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