Psychology of Nutrition

3 Quick & Easy Steps To Embrace Fear

Embrace fear

When was the last time you felt that uncomfortable tinge of fear? You’re probably familiar with the feeling — nerves swelling up inside of you, thoughts filled with self-doubt, and the desire to run away and hide?

It’s not necessarily a feeling we love to have to hanging around. Many people try to ignore or kick it to the curb; however, when we address and embrace fear and self-doubt, that’s where the magic starts to happen.

Self-doubt is really an expression of fear. If you let fear control your life, you will never have the things you truly want. However, if you relax and choose love, everything is possible! (Sit with that one for a minute!)

Here’s the big question: How do you choose love over fear or self-doubt?

For starters, you have to let go of the idea that you can stop feeling fear. You can’t, you won’t, and that’s perfect!

Instead of trying to kick fear to the curb, bring it closer to you! (Yep, closer to you!)

Fear is part of who we are, and it’s something that we can’t get rid of – which is why when people try to stop living in fear or get rid of fear, they find that they just can’t.

It’s not about getting rid of the fear; it’s about acknowledging that it is a part of the human experience. The trick to embracing fear is not to let it control you or your choices!

Instead, you can look it straight in the face, see it for what it really is, and invite it along for the ride.

Using the “Face and Embrace Method” that we teach at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, you can see fear for what it is – essentially the worry that things won’t be the way you want them to be (Hello, control!) – and release it so you can choose love. (Hello, surrender!)



When fear shows up (and it will) welcome it as you would an old friend. Invite it into your home and say, “Welcome fear. I’ve been expecting you.”

Don’t try to shut it out or ignore it. Otherwise, it will show up even more powerfully. Fear cannot and will not be ignored.

Sometimes bringing awareness to your fear can be challenging. Remember to have compassion for yourself as you acknowledge your fears.

Try this:

  • Set the alarm on your phone to go off a few times throughout your day.
  • When your alarm goes off, take a moment to acknowledge any situations you’ve experienced fear in.
  • Put these situations in a notebook or on your phone.

Doing this is a great way to bring awareness and examine your fears. By acknowledging and bringing awareness to your fear, you start to diminish its strength.


When fear walks in, you want to give it a great, big bear hug. Acknowledge that it has come in order to teach you something and to allow you to grow, and thank it for stopping by.

Look fear in the eyes and let it know that you’re so glad it has come to hang out and encourage you to grow!

At this point, you’ve blown fear’s mind. It’s only been used to being kicked around, shut out, and not talked about.

When you embrace it, it’s not going to know what to do, but very quickly it will start feeling really good. Fear starts to relax and soften. (Trust us!)

You’ve disarmed fear of all of its power and turned her into something soft, warm, and inviting.

Start a conversation with fear about the worst-case scenario. Using the fears you wrote in your notebook or phone, begin to examine each one with these questions:

  • What are you afraid will happen if you surrender and let go of trying to control the situation?
  • What is the absolute worst that would happen?
  • And if it did happen, would that really be so bad?

Go through this exercise and write it down – all while embracing fear warmly!


Once you feel peace and love for fear, you’ve told it that’s how you feel, and you’ve gone through the worst-case scenario with it, release it from the bear hug you have it in.

Thank your fear for showing up to show you something new and let it know, lovingly, that it can find its way out.

Use these steps to release fear lovingly:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.
  2. Bring your attention inward and focus on your breath.
  3. Begin to visualize that you are holding your fear in your hand.
  4. Smile at it, give it thanks, and then gently release it to the beautiful, blue sky.
  5. Calmly and joyfully watch it float away from you.
  6. Notice how your body feels. You may even experience a sigh of relief or notice that you feel lighter.
  7. Repeat this with any fear you may have.

This simple, but powerful, exercise will help allow you to look toward the excitement of doing something rather than focusing on the fear of it.


In our society, we’re so often told to kick our fear to the curb and to get rid of it. While this approach may seem radical, it’s truly the most powerful way to grow.

Try it out and see how it feels as you shift from what you’re used to doing.

We want to hear from you, how does it feel to embrace, acknowledge, and release your fear lovingly? Tell us in the comments!

If you’re ready to really rock your personal development, learn how to squash your limiting beliefs with this article!

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