Psychology of Nutrition

Are These Excuses Holding You Back From Your Dreams?

Are These Excuses Holding You Back From Your Dreams

You’re busted!

And we say that in the most loving way possible! #toughlove

We know you’re on the verge of something amazing, and we see your potential! (Even if you’re having a tough time seeing it yourself!)

Which is why we decided to call out the most common excuses we see people using that hold them (and possibly YOU) back from living a life they love, full of purpose, passion, and success.

There are three excuses in particular that we hear over and over again. And no, we don’t get upset about hearing them!

Instead, we see them as an opportunity to help you push past old belief patterns and embrace your fears!

Have you ever thought or said one of these excuses as to why you haven’t started your journey as a Holistic Health or Life Coach?

  • “I so wish I could make this my reality, but I just can’t afford it.”
  • “Becoming a Health Coach is something I really want to do! I just need a little time to think it over.”
  • “I’m just not sure my significant other will be on board, and I have to check with them first!”

If you’re thinking, “Um, yes, guilty!” — you’re in the right place! Let’s chat about each one of the excuses and help you to realize that…

A. It’s most likely fear creeping in.
B. If becoming a coach is in your heart, you must follow it.
C. Everything is possible! You just have to say, “YES!”

Let’s dive in!



Yes, becoming a coach is most definitely an investment! In fact, it might be outside of the normal investments you make.

That being said, can you afford NOT to make this investment? An investment in your future, health, happiness, and financial freedom?

When you look at the value of becoming a coach compared to the cost of enrolling in a program, it’s a no-brainer! (Sorry, not sorry!) This is a huge investment in YOU — possibly the best investment you will ever make in your life!

For example, many of our students become a coach to help themselves and their families! While there is an initial investment up front, it is vastly cheaper than the cost of medical bills and other fees that come along with poor health.

Not to mention, you could even see a return on your investment within your first few months as a coach.

Becoming a Health Coach will allow you to cut costs, save money, and save your precious time! It’s empowering to be able to care for your family and make sure they’re healthy without expensive doctor visits.


There’s no doubt that becoming a Health or Life Coach will add significant value to your practice (if you already have one)! Not to mention it will open up the opportunity for a second stream of income (which may eventually turn into your mainstream)!

Just by getting five clients a month and charging $90-$200 per session can bring in extra money to help pay back your certification, all while reaping the benefits of the program for you and your family.


With the right program, you can hit the ground running even before graduating! This is one of the things our graduates like most about ITN!

What does this mean? It means you can pay back your tuition reasonably quickly because you have all of the tools you need to get started, and you don’t have to go out and reinvent the wheel.

Many of our students feel knowledgeable and confident enough to start working with clients just a few months into their program!

At ITN, we show you how to confidently start working with clients while you are still a student (like many of our students do), so you can jump-start your business, and see a return on your tuition investment even before you graduate! (Raise your hand if you like the sound of that!)


Look, we understand that any tuition cost is an investment, and that’s why we are proud to offer affordable education for much lower than most career and university programs (which often don’t set you up for success in getting a job or earning income when you finish).

If you follow our step-by-step systems, you can earn money doing the work you love!


Did you know that many of our students finance their education with a credit card that they open up just for their new business? And training is usually a tax-deductible business expense – this can be helpful!

Many credit cards offer 0% interest for 12 months, and some even longer! This allows you to invest in your education and get started with no money down.

As long as you pay it off before those 12 months – by getting coaching clients through what you’re learning at ITN — you will save a lot of money on interest and still get to make your dream of becoming a coach a reality!

In addition, some students borrow money from family members or friends to help them get started or ask for cash instead of birthday or holiday gifts! Do you think either of these options would work for you?


Time for some #realtalk… Have you ever noticed how we always find the money to do the things that are important to us? Education is certainly not any different!

Most of the time, it’s that old sneaky fear that’s holding you back. Maybe you really worry that you won’t be able to recoup your investment?

Or perhaps you fear that the course will be too hard, or that people will think negative thoughts about you if you fail!

And here’s one we see often, the fear of actually succeeding!

Take time to truly identify what underlying fears or doubts are showing up for you! Working through these mindset roadblocks is the key to your success!

Excuses Money


Let’s talk about the power of decision making!

Listen, no matter what coaching certification program you invest in, it’s essential to empower yourself by making a decision and sticking to it!

As with any goal, it’s important to always stay in your power! When you hold back from making a decision, you give up your power — so you’re actually deciding NOT to make a decision!

Step into your power and consciously make the decision that serves your goals and your purpose in the world.


Great idea! Communication and support in a relationship are key, especially as you embark on such an exciting and life-changing (in an amazing way!) journey!

So, if you feel like you have to discuss it with your significant other first, it’s important to get clear on a few things. Ask yourself, are you still trying to decide if you want to enroll, or is this because you have said “YES!” to your future and you need to bring him/her into the decision because you’re in a partnership?

If you have decided to say “YES!”, then it’s important that you uncover what questions you might still have that are holding you back! Again, revealing what is really at the root of your excuse is an important and essential step.

Revisit your goals to help you find the confidence to commit to yourself, your future, and your family!

If you need to bring your partner into the discussion, set a timeline for yourself. Don’t keep pushing it off!

This is very important! Set a time when you can talk with your partner, put it on their calendar, and commit to it!

Excuses Relationship


There’s no right time for beginning your exciting and beautiful journey of becoming a coach!

Take some time and ask yourself, “What’s holding me back?” — which of these excuses seem to resonate most with you and take the action steps to overcome your excuses, embrace your fear, and begin living the life you dream of and deserve!

If you’re ready to take the next step, head here to learn how to become a massively successful and purpose-filled coach!

How are you going to embrace your fear and step into your purpose? Tell us in the comments below!

PS – There is ONE thing that will allow you to take control of your future, transform your health and relationships, and allow you to be successful on your own terms (without worrying about getting laid off or losing your job ever again).

ITN founder and CEO, Cynthia Garcia, recently shared…

The 1 proven way to feel healthy, enjoy work that fulfills you, and get paid to change the world (since the truth is, you’re the life preserver you’ve been looking for).

Find out what it is here!

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