Psychology of Nutrition

One Practice That Could Transform Your Healing Journey

self healing journey

If you are on a healing journey of the mind, body, or spirit, there is one practice that should not be ignored.

The practice of forgiveness!

This one simple thing will not only help you to heal, but it also has the ability to set you free.

We have all been hurt by someone in our lives. Some pain we get over rather quickly. Others stick with us for weeks, months, or even years.

Holding on to resentment can be detrimental to our health. According to Mayo Clinic, resentment can cause depression, anxiety, and loss of connection with others. It can even cause detachment from the present moment.

Let’s get one thing straight — I’m not claiming forgiveness is easy.

It can be very difficult, depending on the circumstance. But, I truly believe the work will pay you back in more ways than you can imagine.


Just in case you are wondering, forgiveness does not give the person who wronged you a free pass. However, it allows you to heal and move forward. Forgiveness is much more about you than the person you are forgiving.

Forgiveness played a significant role in my own healing journey. I not only forgave those that hurt me in the past, but I forgave myself as well! Forgiving ourselves is just as important as others.

Over time I realized that forgiveness was one of the greatest gifts I could give myself. When I began to release and let go of what no longer served me, I was able to move forward with my life.

Forgiveness not only let me move forward, but it gave me back the power I had been giving away for a very long time. When we do not forgive, we allow the person who hurt us to hurt us over and over again. Crazy, right?


Are you ready to give forgiveness a try but unsure where to start? Here are the 4 steps I use to practice forgiveness.


Sit quietly in a room by yourself. Think about the person or circumstance that hurt you.

Welcome all feelings to surface without analysis or judgment and allow them to flow naturally.

Keep the ego quiet, and instead of focusing on what or who is right, focus on the feeling of freedom that forgiveness will bring you.


Close your eyes and visualize the person you are forgiving. Speak the following words out loud, “I forgive you, (insert person’s name).”

Say it a few times and truly feel forgiveness in your heart. The key is to not only SAY the words but to FEEL the words too.

You can also speak about what it is you are forgiving the person for.


Send love to the person who hurt you.

Close your eyes and visualize love being sent from you to the person you forgave. This step might sound a little silly, but trust me here!


Thank yourself and find gratitude in the moment for allowing forgiveness to take place in your heart.

You may need to complete these steps more than once, and that is ok. The process of forgiveness can be difficult, and sometimes we need to revisit these steps multiple times before we can move forward.

The rule I use is if I am still thinking about, I have not moved forward, and more work needs to be done.


Forgiveness can change your life and offer you freedom you have never experienced before — freedom from pain, sadness, heartbreak, anger, and illness.

Forgiving took my healing to the next level, and it can do the same for you.

How will you apply this process to your life today? I would love to hear in the comments below.

For more on Katie, head here!

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