Psychology of Nutrition

4 Ways to Find Comfort In Sadness

Your Holistic & Drug-Free Way Out Of Depression

Do you believe you have what it takes to free yourself from depression for good?

I’m here to tell you that you do! And the best part is that most of what you need is already inside of you.

You’re all too familiar with the cycle…

  1. You’re paying attention to how things aren’t what you want them to be or how your life is a letdown.
  2. You turn that frustration and anger inward, blaming yourself and beating yourself up for not doing “enough” or being “enough.”
  3. You spiral into feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and depression. The weight of changing it all feels like too much to handle.
  4. What’s easier than handling it? Running away from it, ignoring it, so you turn to escapism habits like overeating, binging tv, or drinking.
  5. This doesn’t create shifts or move you closer to what you want, so you beat yourself up more and feel even worse.

The cycle repeats in a downward spiral; the weight of the world feels heavier than ever. I’ve been there. In fact, I spent about the first 20 years of my life there, and it was absolutely miserable. The weight of my depression made every day feel like a struggle just to survive.


It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s that I learned life didn’t have to be that way forever. I can only describe to you what happened as a miracle or universal intelligence coming together in my favor.

It was around this time that I was introduced to the world of personal development and the truth about the power we hold within our own minds.

It taught me that we actually do have the ability and power to change our thoughts, and even our feelings and beliefs. This knowledge opened up a new world of possibilities and potential for me that paved the way out of my depression.

Now I’m on a mission to share these simple yet life-changing steps with people ready to release depression holistically and for good.



In order for anything else to be effective, you first need to get your body and mind out of the survival mode of fight or flight.

I recommend doing this by creating a meditation or breathwork practice, or simply by releasing the thoughts that make you feel bad. It’s also important to fill up on thoughts of love and actions that bring you joy.


Depression can often be present when we are living in a state of disconnect from our true self or soul.

An easy way to reconnect with yourself is by placing a hand on your heart and breathing deeply into that space, really drop in and notice what is there.

From that space, ask yourself questions like “If there were no limits, no rules, no expectations, nothing to prove, and I couldn’t mess it up, what would I actually want to do, have and be?”

Begin taking actions that align with the answers you receive.


One of the most pivotal things I did to heal my depression was tend to my physical body and mind and give it the fundamental building blocks it needed to function optimally.

Here are the areas to look at:

  • Nutrition: Are you eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting enough whole nutrients and reducing inflammatory foods?
  • Sleep: Are you getting enough sleep on a regular schedule, without sleeping too much?
  • Water: Are you drinking enough water and hydrating your system properly?
  • Stress: Are you managing your stress? Movement and self-care practices are a great place to start for stress reduction. Start small, pick one thing to change at first and build on it — step by step.


I’ve personally found both for myself and my clients that digging in and doing the deep healing work and creating mindset changes are most effective after the previous three steps.

The previous steps set you up for success at this step by creating space to hold this work, connecting you with your truth, and laying a strong foundation to stand on.

The deep healing work looks different for everyone, but for me, the ultimate goal is to create new, automatic ways of thinking and behaving.

Every healing process, whether it be hypnosis, NLP, ThetaHealing, or any other modality, helps to shed another layer that is no longer serving you.


I know how at first this process can seem overwhelming, but let me share with you some strategies that helped me stick with it and be successful:

  • Know that you don’t need to do it all at once and there is no rush.
  • Take one small step at a time, and be sure to acknowledge and appreciate yourself every time you do.
  • Notice the change that is possible in simply getting back to the basics.
  • With each change you make, notice what’s different. Focus on what’s different, not what’s the same.
  • Release any need to “be perfect” or “get it right.” Giving these steps a chance is being perfect and doing it right because it means you’re showing up for yourself!
  • Be patient and gentle with yourself. Creating this transformation can take time (it took me about eight years!), but you are completely capable of making the change you seek.
  • Love on yourself as much as possible throughout this process. When in doubt, douse yourself with love!


At its core, so much of releasing depression is really about shedding layers of not-you and coming back into the center of you — accepting, loving, and trusting yourself, and filling your cup back up so you can allow yourself to be led by your true desires.

Remember: You already have everything you need within you!

Hungry for more on releasing depression and anxiety? Head here to learn 6 Success Tips For Releasing Depression And Anxiety!

I would love to hear how this resonated with you! What new step are you going to take first? Share with us in the comments so we can cheer you on and celebrate you!

Disclaimer: Please note that these are merely suggestions to help you cope with depression. We are not suggesting that these will heal your condition. If you are struggling with depression, make sure you consult your physician before trying the above guidance.

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