Psychology of Nutrition

March For Mad Abundance

March For Mad Abundance

You know how people get really excited about March Madness, and everyone asks you if you’ve been watching it?

Yeah, we don’t. #sorrynotsorry

However, we LOVE getting really excited about random things, and we didn’t want to miss out on the fun of this whole March Madness thing. So, we thought that we’d create our own version of March Madness and call it March For Mad Abundance! (Do you see what we did there?)

Before you go thinking, “This sounds a little too cheesy for me,” hear us out because it just might make you six figures this year!


What do we mean by March For Mad Abundance? Well, we thought that March would be a great month to really rev up your money mindset. Clean out the junk and make sure it’s in a good place to really create some financial income this year.

Here’s how we’re going to play March For Mad Abundance!

  • Each week in March, we’ll give you a money mindset prompt.
  • Once you receive the prompt (either on social media, The Coaching Life newsletter or if you wanna keep it simple, just continue reading this blog post), set aside some time within the week to sit down and answer the prompt.
  • Begin to watch how your money mindset shifts from lack to abundance.
  • Reel in that money, honey!


As we dive into a month of reframing our money mindset and pumping up our attractor factor, keep in mind that what you put into this, is what you’ll receive back! (Sounds a lot like money mindset, doesn’t it?!)

If you do the exercises but forget to pour your heart into them and don’t keep an open mind about how they can seriously change your life, don’t expect it to work magically. Kapeesh?

If you’re ready and willing to change your financial outlook and your money stories, then take the time and hold space in your heart for abundance to enter into your life from every direction!

Here’s the best part, when you start to shift your abundance mindset, you not only open up the ability to attract more money, but you also begin to attract abundance in all areas of your life.

You’ll most likely experience more love, more energy, more gratitude, more free time, more creativity, and more ease than you’ve ever experienced. So, not only do you have the opportunity to attract six-figures, but you also get a whole bunch of awesome abundance bonuses.

Let’s get all abundant!


Success is a state of mind!

Seriously! If you focus on lack, you can just plan on being “Lack McMaster” for the rest of your life.

However, if you shift your mindset into a place of abundance, Holy Hannah, hold on because it’s going to be a wild ride of manifesting, attracting, and an abundance of fun! Whee!

Okay, okay! We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves here. If you want to be the Michael Jordan of attracting abundance, you have to start where all the greats do… by dumping the junk! After all, you gotta dump the junk before you can slam dunk!

Dump the Junk


List 20 of your personal limiting or negative beliefs/stories around money.

You know the stories we’re talking about, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “Money is so dang hard to come by,” and the crowd favorite, “I could never make as much money as Lebron James!” (Or, something like that!)

Up and out with them! These stories are complete bologna and don’t serve you for a second. So, while this may seem somewhat brutal (hey, tough love gets you to the playoffs!), trust us when we say that getting clear about any false beliefs that keep playing themselves over and over in your mind is one of the best things you can do.

Get honest, get real, and get rid of the junk!


If you want to make the cut for the NBA (National Board of Abundance — we just made that up, by the way), you’ve got to take those good for nothing thoughts from week one and replace them with powerful counter thoughts — thoughts full of love, empowerment, and manifestation!

Those old, false stories and negative beliefs that you uncovered in the first prompt will now be exchanged for thoughts that affirm your desired financial situation.


List 20 specific and empowering thoughts or affirmations about money! For example:

  • Money is always easily available to me.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I create wealth doing what I love.
  • Money is here, there, and everywhere! (That last one is a nod to Dr. Suess!)

The key is to believe in abundance (start to feel it in your bones!) and begin to live your life as if you already have it! We know that sounds a little kooky, but trust us when we say IT WORKS!

Start seeing the truth you desire to attract instead of your current (mind you, temporary) financial situation.


Here we step in again with the tough love! Now that you’re starting to shift your mindset and call financial abundance to you, just like the witch calls the children to her in Hocus Pocus (gotta love 90’s pop culture references!), you have to take a minute and get really honest with yourself.

About what, you ask?

Before you start to graciously welcome financial abundance into your life, you have to make your belief in deserving it rock solid! (Oh, and we also need to mention that having gratitude every step of the way is essential!)


Answer this eye-opening question…

What will it cost you NOT to claim your worth? In other words, what will you NOT have that you WANT if you don’t take action NOW? List how your life will stay the same below…

For example, perhaps you’ll…

  • stay in debt
  • go yet another year without being able to take your family on vacation
  • have to continue working full-time at the job you dread
  • have to continue to say a prayer every time you run your debit card (You know the one, “Please let there be enough in there, pretty please!”)


Finally, for the weeks you’ve waited for, and that you most definitely deserve! While you’ve worked hard over the last few weeks, uncovered some false beliefs, swapped them out for some rocking money affirmations, and gotten real raw with yourself and the truth, week four and five is where the fun begins.

You’ll be working on the same thing for the last two weeks of March because they tend to take some time and nurturing.

March for mad abundance


First, start by writing down your current monthly salary. Next, you’re going to decide what kind of salary you want to make! Dream big here, superstar — nothing is out of the question!

Now that you have an idea of what you’d like to see roll in monthly or yearly, let’s look at some ideas to get you to that desired income. These options are merely suggestions; you can use them however you’d like and charge as much as you feel is right.

  1. Host a low-cost live event (these could be 1 to 2 hours long)! Say you charge $50 per person, and 20 people show up, you’re looking at $1,000 in a single day! 

Try doing that two times a week per month and you’re looking at around $8,000 per month for working anywhere from eight to 16 hours the entire month!
  2. Create an online product! Say your online product costs $149 each, and let’s say you sell about one per day. By selling one per day, you’ll make $4,470 per month, which adds up to $53,640 per year. The nice thing about this is that your product can be evergreen and continue to sell far beyond the time you took to create it. This is a brilliant way to make a passive income!
  3. Start a monthly group coaching program and charge $97 per month per member. Let’s say you enrolled 100 people, that places you at $9,700 per month and pulling in that six-figure income of $116,400 per year!

Here’s the moment of truth, which route are you going to close out your March For Mad Abundance with? While it may seem tempting to want to do all of these options right now (and we know that one day you will!), pick one and stick to it to get started.

Once you decide which approach you want to take to boost your income, lay out your plan! Write out a step by step of everything that needs to get done. Set aside designated, undistracted time to put your pedal to the metal with this plan.

Once you complete it, don’t wait a second more — LAUNCH IT and watch all your money mindset work unfold!


Even though we’re calling this a “march” (for reasons out of our control), it really will feel like a sprint, which is good!

Sometimes it’s good to sprint as fast as you can to create something amazing and then reap the benefits.

By shifting your core beliefs around what you deserve, you can not only attract financial abundance but abundance in all areas of your life.

Need a little boost of confidence to get these steps done? Head here for 5 Mind-Hacks To Reverse Your “I Can’t” Attitude.

Comment below each week and tell us what you came up with for each week’s prompt!

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