Psychology of Nutrition

Stop Looking For Your Purpose And Start Living A Meaningful Life

how to live a meaningful life

Have you ever thought, “If I find my purpose, I will live a meaningful life; I will have found the meaning in my life?”

Often times, we think the answer to our discomfort with our lives is finding our purpose. That we can’t truly be happy or prosperous until we find that purpose. And more often than not, we believe it’s out there in a job, a career, a goal, or an achievement.


Many of us have achieved a lot in life already, and yet we still fall into this trap.

We believe that our lack of a purpose must be why we’re not quite as happy as we could be. And if we finally find it, it will give us meaning.

Can you relate?

I chased the “purpose” thing for many years. I was convinced that if I removed enough limiting beliefs, explored enough self-love, healed past wounds, and tapped into some higher wisdom, I’d be gifted with the clarity and path to my purpose.

When that clarity never seemed to come, I grew more and more frustrated!

It seemed like I was looking, trying, and learning more and more. I was buying the books, the programs, following the gurus, and still, I felt unclear and uncertain. The more information I consumed, the more confused I felt.

I couldn’t move forward on a purpose or a path. Therefore, I couldn’t achieve happiness or create a meaningful life because I thought it was on the other side of my purpose!

“Please, God, give me clarity!” I would yell. But “I don’t know” was my constant refrain.

I was so frustrated. I wanted answers. Why did others seem to happily live in their purpose while I was stuck? What was MY purpose?! When would I find it?

I wasted sooooo much time trying to find my purpose, convinced I wasn’t living “in alignment” and searching for what that meant. All the while, my life was passing me by!

how to live a meaningful life


Here’s what I understand now. There is no purpose required to live a happy and meaningful life!

You could do absolutely nothing for the rest of your life, and you would still be enough and worthy of laughter, play, and love.

Our lives are unfolding paths. We dance between our humanness and our spirituality. The road to purpose is a journey. It’s not a destination.

There is no fairy godmother coming down to slap each of us with a purpose so we can live a meaningful life.

We only find a purpose by giving up the need to find one and realizing that we are already whole, complete, and worthy.


Which brings me to this… Your purpose (in my humble opinion) is simply something you get to decide and figure out.

I’ve decided that my purpose is to playfully surrender to life and all it has to offer me. And really, I think that could work for everyone!

What I realized is that we don’t need a specific purpose to be happy, we need peace, and we need to live a meaningful life.

To receive that peace, we need to flow with life. And to flow with life, we can’t be trying to always control it.

And that right there means we can’t control our purpose.

My purpose is to wake up each day connected to my soul. To set an intention each day to surrender. To take inspired action and keep following nudges.

Above all, my purpose is to live in surrender and peace.

My purpose allows me to set inspired goals and then take inspired actions towards them.

I don’t tie my worth to the success or failure of these actions because by simply listening to my soul, I have achieved my desired action of surrendering!

When we can live in peace, happiness, and surrender, we will feel the nudge to try new things that will ultimately light us up.

Some days that could mean you write an incredible novel while other days that might mean playing peek-a-boo for hours on end. Both options are equally purposeful. Both are worthy.

If you don’t believe me yet, you may still be defining yourself by external prestige. By trying to look good, having external achievements, or experiencing financial success.

But in the end (and maybe even at this moment), you will realize that at the end of life, you won’t be wishing you made more money or received the accolades. You will be wishing you lived more on purpose.


In other words, you will wish you surrendered to the flow of life, acting from joy instead of control, and allowed your personal path to unfold. The best parts of life are the surprises that come when you let go and surrender to life’s magic.

Let go of the need to find a purpose. Make your intention to live in playful surrender and watch the joy, happiness, and purpose will fill you up from the inside out!

For more on Diana, head here!

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