Psychology of Nutrition

Think and Lose Weight: Midlife Weight Loss And Mindset

Think and Lose Weight: Midlife Weight Loss And Mindset

Midlife weight loss might feel more challenging than ever. But what if the secret to shedding those extra pounds wasn’t about restrictive diets or punishing workouts? Instead, what if it was all about your mindset?

Below, you’ll discover how to harness the incredible power of your mind to achieve and maintain your ideal weight. Forget fad diets, exhausting workout regimens, and fleeting willpower. We’ll show you how to shift your identity and align your mindset with your future self to embrace healthy habits naturally and effortlessly.

Why Traditional Diets Fail

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

Traditional diets often fail because they focus solely on changing habits and behaviors without addressing the underlying mindset. The truth is, whether you think you can or you can’t… you’re right.

Without a shift in identity and beliefs, any changes you make are likely to be temporary.

Below, we take you beyond mere habit change and willpower and dive into the core of who you are and who you want to be. It will help you transform your identity to align with the person you want to become.

Step #1: Understanding Your Current Identity: Self-Assessment:

Before you can shift your identity, it’s important to understand where you currently stand.

Take a moment to reflect on your current beliefs, habits, and self-image. Consider the following questions:

  • How do you see yourself in terms of your weight and health?
  • What beliefs do you hold about your ability to lose weight and keep it off?
  • What habits are currently holding you back? 

It’s likely that the answers that came to mind with those questions are limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts and stories that keep you stuck in your current identity.

These might include beliefs like “I have a slow metabolism,” “I’ve never been able to lose weight,” or “Healthy eating is too hard.”

Identifying these limiting beliefs is the first step in overcoming them.

Step #2: Creating Your Future Self

Your future self is the person you want to become. It’s that dream version of you that comes to mind when you think… “If I could just lose this midlife weight, life would be good.”

Take some time to vividly imagine this version of you. What do they look like? How do they feel? What habits and behaviors do they embody?

Write down a detailed description of your future (thinner and healthier) self, focusing on the qualities and characteristics you aspire to.

Step #3: BE Your Future Self Now

Now that you have a clear picture of your future self, post weight loss, what are the habits of that person? What do they eat? Not eat? What are their workouts like? Their lifestyle? What do they say no to? Yes to?

Start showing up and acting as if you’re already your future self now. This is just who you be! There’s no trauma or drama. No decision making. And no willpower required.

Just show up and BE your future self now!

As you shift your identity, healthy habits will become a natural part of your life.

Focus on creating a balanced, enjoyable lifestyle that includes nutritious foods, regular physical activity, and self-care practices.

Finally… midlife weight loss gets to be effortless and fun!

So… What’s next?

Using your new identity, you can embrace healthy habits of Transformational Nutrition that lead to lasting change.

Transformational Nutrition is a revolutionary new model of health that blends physical, mental, and spiritual nutrition into one powerful and proven system of coaching.

Here are some starter tips to help you use your new identity to drop the midlife weight for good!

Mind, Body & Soul Techniques for Weight Loss

Mind/body techniques are based on the idea that thoughts and emotions can strongly influence the physical body. They’re designed to teach us how to reconnect the body and mind so that we can harness the power of the mind to improve our physical health! Here are techniques for you to use in your weight loss journey.

01. The Paradox of Eating

Eating is necessary for survival, but the very process is quite disruptive to the body. The more we eat, the more inhibitive responses the body produces. These include hormones, system slowdowns, and sensations of fullness or even sickness. This is known as the paradox of eating. Try eating several small meals/snacks throughout the day, which can also help with blood sugar consistency.

02. Alternative Methods

Instead of eating three large meals a day, encourage your clients to switch to five or six smaller meals. This is less taxing on the digestive system. You might even want to try intermittent fasting (IF), which releases IGF-1, a hormone that promotes weight loss and provides an impressive number of health benefits. It also gives the body a chance to recharge and recover from eating.

03. Focus

Shift your focus to achieving good health, with weight loss as a natural by-product. Try focusing not on the consequences of failing to lose weight but on the ways that achieving good health will improve your life.

04. Acceptance

Recognize what you can’t change. It’s important to accept difficult emotions without judgment and then practice letting them go. Finally, identify what you can control and work on taking positive action to improve and enrich your life.

05. Attitude is Everything

Cultivating a positive mental attitude about your health and weight loss journey is a must! Work to change your perspective on failure and to reframe healthy eating in terms of your gains instead of the perceived losses.

06. Environment of Plenty

Coming back to your focus, try sticking to a pre-written list at the grocery store! In the face of too many choices, work to find healthy, ‘safe’ options to fall back on. Try using a strategy like the five-second rule, where you have to make a decision in five seconds or walk away.

07. Exercise

Many people assume that exercise has to be intense to be beneficial. That’s simply not true. In fact, very intense exercise actually stresses the body. But gentle exercise like going for a walk boosts health and energy.

08. Figuring out the Cause

One reason people often regain lost weight is that they fail to address the root cause of their weight gain. This makes sense – if you gained weight because of depression, then you risk regaining that weight every time you experience a relapse. Reach out for help with any root causes.

09. Confidence

Use these confidence boosting affirmations as often as possible:

  • “I have the right to feel good about myself.”
  • “I am a strong, capable person, and I’m confident in my ability to lose weight.”
  • “I give myself permission to succeed.”

10. Self-Compassion

This is the act of consciously showing yourself love, kindness, and forgiveness. When you feel ashamed or disappointed in yourself, be as kind as if you were talking to a loved one. Practice moving away from self-criticism and judgement, and accept that you’re doing your best.

11. Self-Monitoring

Self-monitoring builds self-awareness around eating habits and empowers you to take ownership of your behaviors and health outcomes. It also helps to identify patterns and trends that need to be addressed.

Helpful self-monitoring techniques include:

  • Keeping a food diary.
  • Keeping an exercise log.
  • Using a pedometer or a tracker, such as a Fitbit or Apple Watch.
  • Tracking diet and exercise with an app.

Let’s Talk More About You

You love information on how to truly transform yourself.

But there’s more to you than that…

You know that health is critically important to living a great life and if you can help others transform and get paid for it, then you’ve found your dream job!

You are independent and in charge of your own destiny.

Everything you’ve achieved is because of your own commitment to the process and the journey.

You have a big heart and are so brave, even though it may not always feel that way.

When the time is right to do the right thing, you can be counted on to step up!

You are ready to do something that lights your heart, feeds your soul, and fulfills your purpose.

You are a member of the Transformation Generation and it’s time to show the world what you’re capable of.

The bottom line is…

You have an opportunity to take something you love (health and wellness) and turn it into something else that’s pretty amazing (making a great income) while helping others and having a meaningful voice in the world – no matter where you’ve been before, what you’ve done, or whether you’ve succeeded or failed.

The World Needs Your Help More Than Ever

People are overweight.

Nearly 2 billion people are overweight worldwide, including 340 million children according to the World Health Organization.

More children are on diets.

Time Magazine reports that 80% of children have been on a diet by the time they reached the fourth grade.

Global obesity rate has doubled.

The worldwide obesity rate more than doubled between 1980 and 2014.

Unhealthy eating is killing us.

Unhealthy eating and lack of activity kills 13 times more people than guns every year.

2/3 of adults are obese.

In the United States, more than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese.

The future generation needs us,

For the first time in history, we are raising a generation that may or may not outlive their parents.

Sources: National Institute of Health, World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, LinkedIn, State of Health Coaching Survey, Harvard Business Review, US Board of Labor Statistics

The Demand is Rising

As health conditions rise, so does the demand for qualified weight loss specialists…

  • Health coaching has risen 38% in the last few years and is continuing to grow.
  • 60% of Americans want health coaching according to the 2016 State of Health Coaching Survey
  • $50-100k is the average salaries of Health Coaches with the top Coaches earning $100k or more.
  • From 2022 – 2023, the market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 7.4%.
  • Health and wellness educator is one of the five fastest growing, highest-paying jobs.
  • The global health coaching market It’s expected to reach a whopping $35 billion by 2031!

Stand out in a sea of health coaches, help more people and make more money as a specialist!

People are seeking out specialists like never before.

After all, you wouldn’t go to your primary care physician if you needed a brain surgery.

By becoming a Certified Specialist, you will not only stand out and be seen as a true expert in your field, but you will gain the confidence and credibility you need to make a true difference!

Weight Loss Specialist Course

You can be a part of the solution!

In the United States, more than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese. Do you want to not only lose weight and understand the underlying factors contributing to your weight struggles but also help others do the same? Imagine a future where you’re equipped with the knowledge to live your best life—free from the struggle with weight—and confident in your ability to support others on their journey.

Here at ITN we’ve put together our Certified Weight Loss Specialist Course so you can not only find solutions, but become one!

What you’ll learn:

  • Intro Lesson: Introduction to Transformational Nutrition
  • Lesson 01: Getting Started With Weight Loss
  • Lesson 02: Environmental/Physical Triggers of Obesity
  • Lesson 03: The Psychology And Spirituality of Obesity and Weight Loss
  • Lesson 04: Deep Dive into Obesity and Weight Loss
  • Lesson 05: The Transformational Nutrition Guide to Overcoming Obesity
  • Lesson 06: The Weight Loss Specialist Coaching Guide

Can you imagine…

Living a life, filled with meaning, passion, and purpose, where YOU are the reason people are healthier and happier?

 Maybe you have experienced a health struggle that you’ve overcome and now you want to help others, or maybe you’re watching a friend or family member struggle without knowing how you can help.

Whatever your reason, it’s a good one, and we’re here to help make it easy to become a confident, credible Certified Weight Loss Specialist so you can start making a difference and live a life of purpose.

If you’re ready to do something that matters in the world – something that lights your heart, feeds your soul, and fulfills your purpose – trust that you CAN do this. You don’t have to know how to make a difference, you just have to want to. We will provide the rest.

Now, imagine this…

After a slow morning waking up without the bzzz bzzz bzzz of the alarm, enjoying your green smoothie, and that yoga workout, your heart leaps with excitement as you drop the kiddos off at school and see yet ANOTHER paid client notification appear in your Inbox.

You head back to your home office, where you open your email. A smile crosses your face as you see an email from a customer saying, “you changed my life.” You take a deep breath and relax, knowing you’re finally doing work that feeds your soul.

You can make a difference in people’s lives… starting with your own.

Ready to get started?

Follow Your Heart. Do What Matters. Live an inspiring life as a Certified Weight Loss Specialist!

Weight Loss Specialist Course

About the course:

  • Divided into 7 lessons
  • Access the content through our student portal that you will be able to access anytime from anywhere
  • Inside the portal, you will have access to video lessons, audio versions to listen to on the go, transcripts, action guides, reference guides, client handouts, and much more!
  • Includes done-for-you resources such as supplement education, meal plans, personalized protocols, & so much more!

Explore the Weight Loss Specialist Course here!

See all of our courses here!

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