Psychology of Nutrition

5 Ways To Break A Night Owl Routine

5 Ways To Break A Night Owl Routine

You know the prescribed formula already.

Don’t use electronics close to bedtime, aim for a consistent schedule, and build a routine to get you to bed earlier.

Everyone knows these things can help, but sometimes they’re not enough. All too often you find yourself staying up later, writing to-do lists, running through the previous day’s agenda, or watching another episode of your favorite show.

Even if you’re up late, planning and strategizing your business, it’s still a sleep trade-off. As a Health Coach, who always brings their “A-game”, sleep should be non-negotiable to your long-term health and productivity levels. So, how do you curb those night owl habits if the tired and tested methods aren’t cutting it?



It’s easier to get to bed earlier if you have something to look forward to the following morning, and no, clearing your inbox before sunrise doesn’t count.

Ask yourself what sparks true joy and incorporate whatever it is into your morning routine. Have a friend in another time zone who’s already about their day by the time you wake up? Schedule a 15-minute video chat early in the morning.

Take your dog on a longer-than-average morning walk, with a hot coffee or chai in hand. Meditate or do a light yoga session but finish with a long, luxurious shower that you would usually reserve only for weekends. Going to bed early has never felt so appealing!


Workout optional! While working out is a great way to start your day, if it’s not something you’re truly excited about, it could cause you to extend your night owl habits further (hello, avoidance!). In colder weather, wrap up warm and take a brisk stroll, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. In a warmer climate, relax outside before starting your day, making sure to get some direct sunlight to help stimulate vitamin D synthesis.


You know running a successful business requires deadlines to be met, appointments to be honored, and projects to be completed. You also know it takes dedicated planning, working on smaller pieces first, and then putting them all together.

Apply the same mentality to your evening routine and set a hard stop on when the last item can be checked off your to-do list. After that? Read, relax, and spend time with friends and family. The goal here is to wind down, so your body begins to prepare for sleep at a reasonable time. If your to-do lists are just too long that you can’t stop, reevaluate your day and identify what’s draining your time.


You regularly burn the midnight oil and get lots of work done. You maintain it’s “the only time” you have to be productive.

Next time you’re plowing through work at 2:00am, ask yourself how you’re really feeling. Productive? Maybe! Happy? Do you really want to be awake right now? Upset? Are you harboring some internal feelings of anger that this work has fallen to you?

If your mood is off-key, it can impact the quality of what you produce, dampening your passion and future plans in the process. Be mindful of when you work and try to do the majority during the daylight hours, preserving your nights for personal time only.


Learn to associate sleep with your favorite superfood salad or matcha – though rather expensive – latte. Sleep is literally that good for you, but unlike your wellness favorites, it’s entirely free!

Be patient with your new nighttime routine. You may not fall asleep right away every night since your body is used to night owl activities, but slowly, you’ll notice you have more energy during the day. You’ll feel more productive, and you won’t need that 3:00pm coffee.


Night owl behavior is not just about forgoing precious sleep time, it’s also about how you’re using that time and the bigger impact it can have on both your personal and professional wellbeing. Like any health or wellness goal, begin slowly. Aim for two nights of no night owl activities and build from there.

The true benefits will come with consistent sleep patterns, learning to love your bedtime routine, and the joy of waking up refreshed, ready to spend the day energized and inspired, doing what you love.

Ready to take your sleep to the next level? Try these 4 Simple Tips To Create A Sleep Sanctuary!

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