Psychology of Nutrition

4 Tips To Spend Less, Stress Less, And Gain Less Weight This Holiday Season

4 Tips To Spend Less, Stress Less, And Gain Less Weight This Holiday Season

What emotions come up for you when you imagine the holidays?

Perhaps memories of spending time with loved ones, maybe traveling for hours to see family, or perhaps it’s feasting and grazing on all of your holiday favorites.

With the holiday season comes countless commitments, parties to attend, food to enjoy, drinks to be had, gifts to be bought, places to be, traditions to uphold, and the list never ends.

With all of these things, it’s no doubt that the holidays are a time for abundance.

Unintentionally, it seems this abundance is around spending, eating, drinking, stressing, and running.

This year, commit to shifting your mindset around abundance.

Let us explain further!

Here are a few ways to shift how you experience abundance this year.



Did you know that the average American racks up around $1,000 in debt during the holidays?

To minimize the stress of debt and keep your finances in order, shift your mindset from one of spending to a mindset of spending an abundance of quality time with those you love.

By spending more time together, you’ll create more meaningful memories. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy gift giving and opening, but allow yourself to see quality time as a gift, too.

Being present with your family and loved ones will leave you more fulfilled than any physical gift could.

When it comes to physical gifts, set a smaller limit, donate to a cause or someone in need instead, or even get crafty and make your presents.

Here’s a list of great places to donate to this holiday season!

Donating, giving a gift you made, or opting for quality time together will leave you with a heart full of abundance and joy.


Eating into oblivion and drinking yourself tipsy have become a staple part of the holidays. It’s easy to make eating and drinking such a big part of the festivities.

Swap out an abundance of eating and drinking with mindfully enjoying the unique flavors that come along with the season.

Being intentional with each bite or sip will allow you to slow down and thoroughly enjoy those warming flavors we often don’t experience throughout the remainder of the year.

Instead of making a million recipes (which let’s be honest can be tiring and stressful), focus on a few healthy items with rich holiday flavors like nutmeg, cinnamon, cranberries, and squash. Like this healthy Mini Cheesecake Recipe!

Same with cocktails! Opt for just one festive drink to intentionally enjoy or have fun with mocktails!


We’ve fallen into the routine of booking out our holidays with all the parties, all the events, and all the hustle until they’ve passed us by without truly slowing down to enjoy them. This often leaves us feeling exhausted and sometimes even ill.

This holiday season, be intentional about what you say “yes” to. Don’t feel as if you have to attend everything and be everywhere.

Instead, swap out the holiday hustle for more meaningful time spent with loved ones and even taking the downtime to nurture yourself.

Remember that being present with loved ones is more fulfilling than pleasing everyone by showing up to everything.


Let’s just admit it, the holidays and stress tend to go hand in hand. In fact, nearly a quarter of Americans admit to feeling stressed during the holiday season.

When did this happen? Who knows!

Here is one thing for sure, stress during the holidays can easily be swapped out for an abundance of joy.

Instead of carrying the stress of needing everything to be perfect and having to be a million places at once, remember that everything is perfect just as it is.

Shift into the mindset of presently enjoying all the things you love about the season. By implementing the first three shifts, this one will come more easily.

For more ways to stress less this holiday season, enjoy this article.

Abundance is a beautiful thing when we allow it to be the right kind of abundance. This holiday, allow yourself to experience abundance through quality time, intentionally enjoying flavors, slowing down, and finding joy.

How will you shift your abundance mindset this holiday season?

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