Psychology of Nutrition

It’s Okay If You Don’t Like Yoga

wellness activity

The wellness industry can be unforgiving. If you’re not taking the trendiest workout class, making the right smoothie combination (is it too much banana or avocado that’s the issue these days?), you’re clearly doing it wrong.

It’s time to take back wellness and allow it to work for you. After all, if you’re spending more time worrying about it, it quickly becomes the antithesis of anything even remotely related to feeling “well”.

So instead of keeping up with the latest trends and signing up for the most popular classes just to keep up with what everyone else is doing, ask yourself the following questions and get clear on what exactly it is you want to do.



Make a list of your favorite wellness activities, emphasis on favorite. Remember, this is a judgment-free zone. It can include anything from getting a facial to solo trail running right at sunrise.

And newsflash, it’s okay if you don’t like yoga or the most on-trend form of physical activity! This is an exercise to think about what you truly enjoy.


Next, make a note of why you enjoy them.

Does that HIIT workout class give you an exercise high you just can’t get elsewhere? Or, are you only going to the class because, according to just about everyone, it’s the best kind of workout these days? We’re sure you’ve heard someone say to you before, “If you’re just running or just lifting weights, you’re not doing enough.”

But what ‘they’ say and what you do don’t have to be the same thing! Ultimately, if you aren’t enjoying the activity that you’re doing, you won’t stick with it, and you might end up turning away from activity altogether.

That’s why it’s important to note why you like certain activities and why you don’t like others. This will give you a roadmap as to how you can still get the physical activity your body needs while not allowing yourself to burn out in the process.


Here’s the thing. The types of wellness activities you engage in deserve the same individualized attention you give to your food.

As experts in health, ITN Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNC) know each of their clients are different, everyone truly has a unique blueprint. Instead of trying to keep up with the latest wellness trend, find something that truly speaks to you.

Now, come back to your list. Look at the things that are actually serving your professional and personal growth. Focus on these activities and any remove others that are simply just checking a box.

If you’re happily striking Pilates and kickboxing from your list, that’s great, but before you stop exercising altogether, jump into the next step.


Physical activity is an important part of health and wellness, and this exercise isn’t a ditch everything card to switch mountain climbers for massages.

In fact, just like you likely experiment with different eating patterns, the goal here is to find a wellness activity that works for you. Yes, it may mean breaking away from the familiarity of that 75-minute meditative restorative yoga session (despite you disliking it) and going to a class alone or simply taking up a new exercise routine.

Whatever it is, the important thing is that it’s something that feeds you, something you enjoy doing. Something that will end up making you happy and excited versus having you feel mentally drained or upset just thinking about it.


Alternatively, continue this quasi-wellness uprising and share with a friend who you suspect doesn’t actually enjoy the class either. Maybe you can try some new classes together. Better yet, send them this blog post to check it out for themselves!

Here’s to taking back wellness in 2020 and honoring your most authentic needs. What’s something new you’re going to try to amp up your wellness game this year? Tell us below!

Still not sure what wellness activity is right for you? Head here Exercise: The Gateway Drug To Happiness!

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