Science of Nutrition

10 Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency And How You Can Fix It

10 Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency And How You Can Fix It

Tara was so anxious about everything lately. It seemed as if there was nothing she could do to stop feeling so on edge!

She met with her Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) to talk about how she was feeling and what she could do about it.

And after her coach spent time with her assessing her health and symptoms, she was shocked to hear that she might have a magnesium deficiency which could be increasing her levels of anxiety.

Tara asked what she could do about it, and her Health Coach shared some very valuable information with her regarding the symptoms and causes of magnesium deficiency as well as many foods that are high in this important mineral.


Magnesium is often referred to as the most important mineral in our bodies.  It has been well documented and proven to reduce stress and anxiety, facilitate deep sleep and relaxation, ease migraine headaches, restore energy levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and dramatically boost performance.

The list of what this miracle mineral does goes on and on. Yet experts have estimated that up to 80% of the population is deficient in this essential mineral.

Magnesium deficiency has been tied back to a long list of symptoms. Let’s take a look at them now.


1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. High Cholesterol
4. High Blood Pressure
5. Obesity
6. Insulin Resistance
7. Hypoglycemia
8. Diabetes
10. Infertility

Magnesium works mostly within our cells and tissues to produce energy, and almost every bodily function, thought, and action requires magnesium.

It is clear that making sure you get enough magnesium in your diet should be a top priority, so what are some simple steps can you take to make sure that you are getting enough of this essential mineral?


Firstly, understanding what contributes to magnesium deficiency allows you to make those diet and lifestyle choices that will create your greatest self and healthiest body.


Magnesium is burned up by the body to buffer and alleviate the physical symptoms of stress.  It works to soothe muscles and nerve impulses, relaxing the body and mind.

During times of stress make sure you are getting enough magnesium either through diet or supplementation.


Many factors contribute to low nutrient content. The main factors include poor soil quality, over-cooking, long travel times for your food to get to you, and over-processing.

To ensure you are getting nutrient-rich foods, choose steaming over boiling, buy foods that are local and in season, and avoid long lists of ingredients that you can’t pronounce on your food labels.


Magnesium is used by the body to process sugar, so the more sugar you have the quicker you will burn through your magnesium stores.  

Remember four grams of sugar is equal to about one teaspoon!  Visualizing how much sugar is in your food can be shocking, traumatizing, and eye-opening. It can also be very helpful in making decisions about what foods you choose to eat.

As a bonus, an added benefit of magnesium is that there is evidence that it can help stop sugar cravings.

So how do you deliciously make sure that you are getting enough magnesium in your diet?


There are a variety of foods that contain magnesium, but here are a few that are packed with this important mineral.


Asian cultures are notoriously healthy and tend to have quite a bit more seaweed products in their diets than Western cultures.

There are 12 grams of magnesium in just two tablespoons of kelp and 11 grams in both wakame and nori.  You can add these foods to salads or soups or use them as garnish. Also, making simple sushi wraps at home is a quick and easy way to incorporate these foods into your diet.


Dark chocolate is very high in magnesium-containing a whopping 41 grams per ounce!  

This doesn’t mean eat a bar every day, but a thoroughly enjoyed piece or two can be a delicious way to give yourself a break and a little magnesium boost.  

Cacao and carob are also very high in magnesium.

Look for them in the baking section and make sure they contain zero additives.  Sprinkle them on oatmeal or fruit or add them into smoothies for a tasty treat.

  • NUTS

English walnuts, almonds, cashews and brazil nuts are particularly high in magnesium and the added crunch can work wonders at relieving stress, emotional eating patterns, and anxiety.

Just one cup of sliced almonds contains 247mg of magnesium! Toss some nuts in your morning oatmeal, on your salad, or have them alone for a crunchy, satisfying snack.


It might not sound appetizing at first but krill, spirulina, and chlorella are some of the most nutrient-packed, magnesium-rich foods you can find. Their amazing properties seem easily demonstrated by a blue whale surviving off of a diet of nothing but krill.

One of the easiest ways to incorporate these power-packed foods into your daily routine is by adding them to smoothies or taking them as a supplement.  

You can also look for powders or liquids that don’t have binders, fillers, or sweeteners added to them.

An added benefit of chlorella is that it acts as a natural internal deodorant so you’ll not only have a magnesium-rich glow, but you’ll smell great, too.


It may seem surprising, but blackstrap molasses are very high in magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese.  Talk about a superfood!

If recipes require small amounts of sweetener, then blackstrap molasses is a great option.

You can also use it in teas or other hot drinks or baste meats like chicken or turkey with it to give them a rich color and slightly sweet taste. 

Look for organic and unsulfured blackstrap molasses to make sure that you are getting the healthiest version.


The amount of magnesium you should be getting in your diet varies based on age, gender, and stage and phase of life. Most adults require around 300 – 400 mg of magnesium unless you currently have a deficiency, in which case, supplementing with more until your levels reach normal is a common practice.


Getting enough magnesium and protecting your body’s stores of it is an extremely powerful way to enhance your health and your life.  

Little decisions and steps every day in the right direction have a far-reaching domino effect on all the corners of your life, and paying attention to your magnesium levels may be one of the easiest and most powerful ways to change the way your body and mind are functioning.

What is one way in which you will try to increase the magnesium in your diet today? Share it in the comments!

And speaking of dark chocolate, read more about these 6 Health Benefits You Experience When You Eat Dark Chocolate!

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