Science of Nutrition

5 Tips To Sleep Yourself Skinny

5 Tips To Sleep Yourself Skinny

Jessie had been on the diet train for weeks now, and she was seeing zero results. She had been trying to eat healthily and exercise as much as she could, but she was exhausted.

She thought that spending hours at the gym each night was going to help her get skinny, but all it had been doing was making her exhausted and stressed about other things she had been putting on the back burner.

She was losing sleep and losing hope.

“There’s got to be a better way,” thought Jessie. “There’s no way I can keep up this kind of lifestyle. I’m just too tired!”

What if getting skinny was as simple as getting enough sleep?


According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is essential for a person’s health and well-being. Yet millions of people don’t get enough and suffer from numerous sleep problems.

In fact, more than 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different types of sleep disorders. That’s a lot of sleeping problems!

It’s not like all you have to do is sleep 12 hours a day and the weight will fall off. Instead, it’s what’s happening when you’re sleep-deprived that impacts your ability to drop the pounds.

Researchers have found that lack of sleep directly impacts your sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that helps control blood sugar. And, insulin insensitivity is directly linked to obesity.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when participants were sleep-deprived, they burned fewer calories!

And if that wasn’t enough, another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who slept only 5.5 hours a night increased their nighttime snacking and chose high-carbohydrate snacks over healthier options.

To get a better, longer night’s sleep, implement these 5 tips starting tonight!



Stop eating two to three hours before your bedtime. If your body is trying to digest food, you won’t be able to fully relax, fall asleep, or stay asleep.


Eliminate fried and fatty foods, refined carbs, and limit spicy foods before bedtime. The effects of these foods can really interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep.


If you’re hungry after dinner, enjoy a light snack two hours before bedtime. Your snack should contain mostly carbohydrates with a little bit of protein to increase the availability of tryptophan (an amino acid that helps induce sleep) to your brain. A sliced apple with an ounce of almond or cashew butter is a great option.


Avoid alcohol before bedtime (or completely). Although it may help you fall asleep quickly, it also disrupts your sleeping patterns and leaves you feeling un-rested in the morning. Aim to have your last drink at least 5 hours before you snuggle in.


This may seem obvious, but avoid caffeine before bed! Caffeinated foods, teas, and other beverages delay your sleep and cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Caffeine stays in your body for 8 – 12 hours after you drink it so keep this in mind as you reach for that last cup!


It’s not magic, just a little science! Sleep is essential and very helpful when it comes to losing weight. Make a point to implement these 5 tips into your bedtime routine, and you’ll be well on your way to sleeping yourself skinny!

Which of these tips will you try tonight? Share in the comments!

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