Science of Nutrition

Recognizing That Health Exists at Every Size


Before becoming a health and nutrition coach, ITN Founder Cynthia Garcia found herself participating in a “latte and lettuce” diet.

She was in a modeling career and was told repeatedly by agencies to either lose weight or gain weight (sometimes in the same day).

And, it took Cynthia a long time to realize that her self-worth is not determined by the number on the scale.

Nor is the scale an indicator of how healthy a person is.

But, how did she finally come to that transformation?


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While it took Cynthia a long time to come to that realization, there is great hope for future generations.

And it’s known as the Health at Every Size Movement (HAES).

HAES is built on principles that acknowledge and celebrate each individual’s appearance, size, needs, and desires without paying attention to the number on the scale.

They are working to transform the way we view health.

We are proud to say that the principles taught at HAES are incorporated into the Transformational Nutrition model we teach here at ITN.

Through our modern-day curriculum that is built on individualized care, we teach our students that health is not a one-size-fits-all approach.


Listen to Episode 007 to Discover...
  • The ‘Health at Every Size‘ movement and how its principles are encouraging a new era in body positivity
  • What triggered a change of Cynthia’s mindset on weight (and could impact yours too!)
  • How you can monitor and manage your health without stepping on a scale
  • 4 main principles of the movement and how ITN has been a trailblazer setting the industry standard by educating our coaches on these principles


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