Science of Nutrition

Reduce Your Toxic Load With These 5 Simple Tips

Reduce Your Toxic Load With These 5 Simple Tips

Have you ever heard the phrase “toxic load” and wondered what it means?

Toxic load refers to the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in our bodies that we ingest or come in contact with from sources such as our environment, food, water, personal care, and household products.

We are inundated with thousands of toxins daily. While we can’t avoid all of them, there are steps we can take to reduce our overall exposure. The simplest way to start is by addressing our exposure right inside our own homes. And, to do so is easier than you may think!



Eating organic food is one of the simplest ways to reduce your daily exposure to harmful chemicals. If buying all organic is out of your reach, start by focusing on the dirty dozen.

The dirty dozen is a list of vegetables and fruits that are grown using high amounts of pesticides and chemicals. The more organics you consume the better, but any little bit will reduce your toxic load.


Plastic is all around us and can be hard to avoid. However, doing so is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Plastic is heavily used in the food industry. Here is the problem. When food and beverages come into contact with plastic containing chemicals known to be harmful to human health, they can leach. Meaning those chemicals can transfer or leak into the food or beverage. Then, when consumed, the chemicals are ingested into the body.

It may be hard to avoid all plastic but one great place to start is in your home. Toss out your plastic food contains, water bottles, plastic wrap, and baggies. Replace them with a cleaner option like beeswax bags or glass storage containers.


The average American woman applies 12 different products with up to 168 ingredients each day. The US has only banned or restricted 11 ingredients, so that leaves a lot of ingredients completely unregulated.

It may not be financially sound to toss out every product you currently own, but commit to not repurchasing the product once you run out. Instead, start researching right now to find a replacement so that you will be equipped with the information you need to make a good buying decision next time.

You can learn more about the ingredients in your products and their safety on the EWG Skin Deep database. Ideally, you want a product that is between a 1-3. Anything higher should be avoided.


As you know, water is critical to life. Even though the water coming out of your tap may appear safe, it can be filled with many invisible contaminants. Because it’s hard to know exactly what, I suggest you avoid tap water if you can.

A shocking fact about U.S tap water is there are no legal limits for more than 160 unregulated contaminants. And, for other chemicals, it’s been almost 50 years since maximum level requirements have been updated.

Both of these facts are major reasons to no longer drink water straight from the tap. A quality filtration system is the best way to ensure you are drinking water free from toxins. Consider an under the counter system, a total home system (would also ensure the water absorbed during showers and bathing is toxin-free), or a stand-alone filter.


Did you know 30-40 percent of toxins in your home travel inside on the bottom of your shoes? All sorts of toxins such as lead, pesticides, and herbicides live on your shoes. The simple act of removing shoes at the door can make a huge impact on your exposure.

This is even more critical if you have small children who are crawling or spending a lot of time on the floor. Place a bin by each outside door in your home or designate a spot for the entire family to leave their shoes. Not only is this a super simple way to reduce your exposure to toxins, but it will cut down on the time you are currently spending cleaning your floors.


Toxins are all around us! While we can’t avoid every chemical in our environment there are things we can do to ensure we eliminate our exposure as much as we can.

Reducing your toxic load does not have to be overly complicated. These easy tips will help you lead a less toxic life and keep your entire family healthy. What are your tips for avoiding toxins? Please share in the comments below.

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