Science of Nutrition

16 Natural Aids For Weight Loss

16 Natural Aids For Weight Loss

You probably guessed it already, but weight loss is a billion dollar industry. That’s right! We said billion, friends!

You see the ads everywhere…

“Take this magic pill and return to your sexy, slimmer body in just 30 days!”

“Drink this shake three times a day and magically watch your fat melt away!” #nothanks

The market is saturated with supplements promising magical results with minimal effort.

Notice something similar about these ads? They say the word “magic” — as a Health Coach (or an aspiring one) you know there is nothing magical about weight loss!

Weight loss takes a great deal of commitment, support from loved ones, emotional work, and transformation of habits that no longer serve you.

At ITN, we are well aware of the need for more coaches that specialize in guiding their clients through a safe and personalized plan for weight loss, which is why we offer our Weight Loss Specialist Certification program!

As a Certified Weight Loss Specialist, you’ll learn how to steer your clients away from these so-called miracle cures and towards healthier lifestyle choices and supplements that can complement a healthy diet and support weight loss.

If you’re looking to support your weight loss journey or your client’s, supplements can not only be helpful, but they can be a powerful addition to whatever approach you’re currently taking.


These supplements provide the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that a healthy body needs to function – and lose weight – effectively. Think of them not as the answer to weight loss, but as one of many important pieces of the puzzle.

(NOTE: Therapeutic dosages of the above vitamins and minerals can be found in a good quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral complex, reducing the need for individual supplementation)


Cayenne pepper is a powerful spice to easily add to your diet to support your weight loss journey! This spice supports digestion and improves metabolism!

Enjoy cayenne pepper sprinkled on your meals throughout the day to experience these wonderful weight loss benefits.


Turmeric is a magical spice (if we’re going to be throwing magic around!). It has the power to help lower blood sugar, improve insulin resistance, and protect against type 2 diabetes!

Try adding turmeric to your diet or try it in supplemental form (500-1000 mg per day; best when combined with Bioperine) to get the benefits!


Who doesn’t love cinnamon? Plus, did you know that cinnamon helps to naturally stabilize and regulate the blood sugar as well as helps control the release of energy from food?

Sprinkle this little nugget freely on your meals to reap the goodies! You can also take a supplement or use the essential oil version!


Green Tea contains powerful antioxidants that are thought to increase energy expenditure and fat absorption! Yes, please!

Try subbing out your coffee for a warm or cold cup of tea! Try 250-400 mg per day standardized to 90% polyphenols or enjoy 2-5 cups/day in tea form!

Green Tea For Weight Loss


These guys are essential for a healthy metabolism and proper nervous system regulation! B vitamins help to support the body’s ability to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.

Start with 50-100 mg of each B-vitamins 1-2 times daily.


Good old vitamin D affects insulin sensitivity and energy production. It also interferes with leptin signaling, which is essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight!

Try taking 2000-5000 IU’s daily or as determined based on your current vitamin D3 levels are sitting (this will require that you test them.)

Try going for a walk with skin showing to soak up some vitamin D from the sun!


Magnesium is required for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body! (That’s a lot!) It’s also essential for energy production and can help with your sleep quality!

200-800 mg per day would be an excellent place to start! The best forms include glycinate, citrate, malate, aspartate!


Selenium is a key player in supporting healthy thyroid function, which regulates metabolism — so you can imagine how important it is to have it balanced!

200 mcg per day will do to help support a healthy thyroid and weight loss journey!


Calcium binds to fat in the GI tract, which in turn, may limit fat absorption in the bloodstream! Having adequate levels of calcium in the body is going to be beneficial in helping you begin to lose weight and keep it off!

Try supplementing with 1000-1500 mg per day! Keep in mind that the best forms of calcium are citrate and MCHC.


Insufficient essential fatty acids (or EFAs) can reduce or eliminate any positive weight loss results you may be experiencing! Make sure you’re taking fish oil to support your weight loss journey and to improve your mental clarity!

At least 1000 mg of EPA and DHA combined is a good dosage to begin with.


These powerful little guys help to support hormone regulation, appetite regulation, digestion, and immune function. Kind of a big deal, if you ask us!

Look for probiotics with 5-50 billion CFU when you’re picking which supplement to take.


Fiber is our weight loss secret weapon! When you take fiber before meals, it will bind to the water in your stomach and form a gelatinous mass that induces a sense of satiety. Boom! Hello, satiety!

Opt for 5 grams of soluble fiber before your meals (some sources are acacia fiber, glucomannan, psyllium, chitin, and pectin)!

Essential Oils For Weight Loss


Add two drops to room temperature water every morning, or rub one or two drops into the bottom of your feet. It’s like sunshine in a cup!


  • Provides vitamin C
  • Aids in detoxification
  • Supports healing and regeneration
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Improves mood


Put two drops on the wrists twice a day or apply to the soles of the feet before sleep. Alternatively, add to a diffuser in the bedroom. Gotta love the relaxing scent of lavender!


  • Supports adrenal function
  • Calms and soothes
  • Supports digestion
  • Promotes sleeps


Dilute with carrier oil and rub into the skin, add to a diffuser, or add a few drops to water. This surprising weight loss essential oil is a powerhouse, plus it smells delightful!


  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Activates fat-burning enzymes
  • Supports fat breakdown
  • Encourages lymphatic drainage


Add a few drops to food or water, mix with a carrier oil and rub into the skin, or add to a diffuser — yet another surprising oil that works wonders for weight loss and digestive health!


  • Soothes digestive discomfort
  • Relieves nausea
  • Cleanses the liver
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces cravings


These natural aids have shown to be powerful additions to a weight loss plan. However, dosage and the need for these will vary from person to person.

We always suggest you meet with your healthcare practitioner or a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach to decide what personalize approach would work best for your health and weight loss goals!

Are you looking for some healthy recipes to support your weight loss journey and satisfy your tastebuds? Head here to read about 7 Awesome Meals To Food Prep This Week!

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