Spirituality of Nutrition

Master Back to School Stress With Transformational Nutrition

back to school tips

Preparing to go back to school this year has been stressful in a lot of ways. Some schools are going back to in-person learning, others are canceling classes and asking parents to homeschool, and a few are choosing to do a hybrid of both.

But with all the uncertainty and changing decisions and opinions, it’s hard to know what to do or what to think at any given moment.

Whether you’re preparing to send your kids back to school physically or you’re preparing to homeschool in some way, odds are you’re feeling the stress.

Instead of fixating on in-person versus at-home learning, we encourage you to spend a few moments focusing on something you can control – your family’s physical, mental, and spiritual health.



We’re guessing one of the biggest stressors for you in the in-person versus at-home learning debates is keeping your family healthy.

And if your kids are going back to school physically, this stress is likely much higher.

Sure there are rules around masks, hand washing is a must, and social distancing will be in place for the grades and schools that can handle it, but what can you do to help right now?

Start by making sure your family’s physical health is as good as it can be. Focus on feeding everyone nutritious meals, having healthy snacks on hand so less junk food is reached for, and get some exercise or movement each day.

Focus on immune-boosting foods and supplements to keep your family’s immune systems in top-notch shape.

Oftentimes, when we’re stressed (especially over big decisions like school this year), it can take a toll on our overall health. By focusing on a few things you can control instead, you might just be able to alleviate some of that stress so you can stay healthy, aware, informed, and continue making the decisions that are right for your family.

mental health parenting


Speaking of stress, take some time to check in on the mental health of yourself and your family. This is very important. With the changing advice, news, recommendations, and wavering on what school will look like this year, it can be hard not to fall into a mental health trap.

But if you’re not mentally healthy, odds are you won’t continue to stay physically healthy either. So check in with yourself, your needs, the needs of your family.

Are you stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Or just feeling a little down? Are you taking the time to give all of your emotions and feelings the time they need?

If you’re not feeling totally mentally well, take some time to address why. What’s been stressing you out? What’s keeping you anxious? What has you feeling less than great?

You might pull from one overarching topic (like going back to school), but odds are, you can break that down further.

Are you stressed about how teachers will handle social distancing on the playground? Worried your child won’t have the social interactions they need to grow and develop this year?

Figure out what’s keeping you unwell, stressed, and anxious, then focus on what you can control.

If you’re worried about social distancing, take measures into your own hands by teaching your kids how to make sure they’re following proper health and safety guidelines, or talk to your child’s teacher to voice your concerns and figure out a plan.

Worried about social interactions (or lack thereof?), you can solve that too. Plan weekly Zoom calls for your child with their circle of friends, have socially distanced playdates with neighbors, and maybe take some extra time here to sit down and talk with your child about how they’re feeling about this too.

Together, you can come up with a plan that works best for you both.


The lack of social interactions can also take a toll on your spiritual health. Connection is vital to your overall health and well-being, and it’s likely that your 2020 has been limited in the connection department, no matter where you are or what you do.

Between social distancing, store, building, and restaurant closings, quarantines, and safe at home recommendations, it’s been nearly impossible to connect in the ways that we used to.

But this is incredibly important and something that shouldn’t be taken lightly! Plan Zoom meet-ups with family and friends regularly, so you can continue to connect, chat, voice opinions and share feelings, and cultivate a sense of community.

Make sure your children are doing the same, especially if they’re on an at-home learning plan this semester.

Socially distanced playdates, phone calls, video calls, and deep conversations with family members can help with this.

But also make sure you’re connecting with the world around you. Make sure you’re getting outside regularly and spending time in nature. Go for a walk or a hike, or simply stand barefoot in the grass for a few minutes.


The bottom line is, even though you can’t control all the decisions that are being made around you and affecting you, you can control how you respond, how you and your family stay physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy, and how you can focus on the things you have the power to control right now instead.

Have you found anything to be helpful when dealing with the stress of the unknown when it comes to going back to school or not? Share it with us in the comments!

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