Spirituality of Nutrition

5 Ways To Boost Your Creativity Instantly

How to boost creativity

What comes to mind when you hear the word “create”?

Is it something you desire to do more of? Or do you write it off as if it’s reserved for someone else — like your kids?

Do you remember the last time you truly felt creative?

What were you doing? How were you feeling? What state of being prompted that creative state of mind?

I’m asking you a ton of questions because I want you to realize that creativity is always available to you! It’s not just something your kids do for their school art project or what your favorite artist does when writing their next hit song.

YOU are creative too! (Even if you feel like you haven’t exercised your creativity muscle in years.)

Whether you realize it or not, you are creating each and every day of your life. You just need to be aware of what you are creating.


To “create” means “to bring into existence.”

If you haven’t been feeling very creative, it’s probably because you’re not manifesting what you truly want to bring into existence.

Basically, the dreams and desires in your head are not your current reality.

And it’s okay — you are not alone.

A study by Adobe found that only 25% of people feel that they are living up to their creative potential. (That means 75% of people are not! #mindblowing)

Being in a creative state of mind is all about your energy.

You may or may not have noticed that you are at your most creative when you are feeling AMAZING and experiencing other “high vibe” emotions.

On the flip side, you’re probably also super creative when you are feeling super low or other very intense, lower vibration emotions.

Some of our favorite, most iconic songs were born from heartbreak, and some of our favorite artwork has been painted through pain.

Have you noticed that profound thoughts just flow to you, and words easily flow from your head to your pen, when you’re experiencing very high or very low emotions?

I’m sure at this point you’re wondering how you can channel your creative genius without feeling on top of the world or feeling immense pain.

And I have good news!

You don’t have to experience heartbreak or be in a constant state of “high on life” bliss to exercise your creativity — you always have access to it.

You just need to tap into it.


These five tips for instantly boosting your creativity will be useful to you even if you feel like it’s been YEARS since you’ve truly been creative.

We are ALL creators, and we were born creative!

Let this be a reminder to you, so you can bring what is in your head and your heart to life.

Bob Proctor said, “If you can hold it in your head, you can hold it in your hands.”


There is no better way to realize the abundance of creativity that surrounds you other than to go outside and be in nature!

You don’t have to live in a beautiful, exotic location like Bali to experience the beauty of nature. (So, don’t dismiss your town or city!)

For example, the other day, I was driving down the highway, and I noticed a beautiful, majestic hawk gliding along the median. The way it stretched its wings and effortlessly glided along with the wind made me feel lighter and filled me with joy and inspiration!

There is definitely something to the age-old adage, “stop and smell the roses”.

When was the last time you stopped and smelled the roses?

Go outside and look around you! Notice all of the various forms of wildlife, vegetation, and even the bugs. All are moving about, doing their own thing, living in harmony, looking different, sounding different, and fulfilling their purpose.

Notice that there is evidence of creativity all around you — use it to get inspired!


Silence truly is golden.

We live in a world where there is so much noise everywhere we turn — between our phones, tv, car horns honking, fire engines, crazy little humans wreaking havoc in our homes (parents of toddlers understand this!) — we hardly ever get a moment of silence!

On top of this, our lives are so busy that we barely ever get a moment to ourselves to just be.

Seriously! When is the last time you allowed yourself to do NOTHING?

I find it impossible to think for myself when I’m constantly in motion, whether it’s at work, creating content, or running behind my toddler.

This is why it is imperative for us to be intentional about getting quiet.

Meditation has greatly helped me to see and honor the value of silence.

Part of my morning routine is sitting for at least 10 minutes in silence. While 10 minutes may not seem like much, it only takes 10 minutes to calm my mind and allow space for me to organize my thoughts.

The Insight Timer app has amazing guided meditations that work really well for me! Try them out!

There are meditations as short as one minute and some over an hour long — so even if you feel like you have no time to be silent, I assure you that you can find a nugget of time.

Spend some time in silence each day, and I guarantee you will soon notice more creativity showing up in your life.

creative flow state


Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

Did reading that quote inspire you? It did for me!

Every day I flood my mind with positive, uplifting, and educational messages to help me stay inspired, so that no matter where I am at physically, I am mentally in a positive frame of mind.

Since making inspiring podcasts, books, audiobooks, and YouTube videos is a part of my daily routine, I’ve found that it’s much easier for me to get into a creative and upbeat mindset!

Often, it’s just one small thing the speaker says that sparks something in my mind and inspires me to create a whole new blog post or an online program.

You’ve got to protect your creativity by feeding your mind with the good stuff so you’re less vulnerable to the bad stuff draining your energy and your ability to create.


Pablo Picasso said, “I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else,” to describe his creative process.

Creativity should never be forced — it should flow to you and through you.

It should feel natural to you, and if you are experiencing a lot of resistance around what it is you are trying to create, you probably need to take a step back and reevaluate if what you are trying to create is aligned with your purpose.

Let me explain what I mean…

A few years ago, I wanted to create my next coaching program and include business, fitness, and mindset training all in one. But unlike my other programs, the thoughts weren’t coming to me, and I was feeling so much resistance while trying to create it.

Typically, it would take me between a few minutes to a few hours to outline a program, but this process was taking weeks — clearly, something didn’t align.

When we are in alignment with the flow of creativity that comes to us naturally, it doesn’t require much effort. So, as you can imagine, this was very interesting (and frustrating) to me.

I was working with a business mentor and expressed my dilemma to her. She asked me a simple yet profound question: “Do you actually want to create this program?”


When I thought about it, I realized that I had become caught up in doing what I felt was expected of me. My audience knew me as the fitness coach, but I was burnt out from creating fitness programs, and I wanted to begin business coaching!

So I let go of the fitness portion, which relieved me of a lot of pressure and stress, and the rest the program came to me very easily, almost like a divine download!

Sometimes there are things we need to let go of to allow our creativity to flow to us.

Is there anything you can think of right now that may be blocking your creativity?

Maybe you need to let go of the idea of what it’s “supposed” to look like so you can welcome in what it can actually look like.

Give yourself permission to feel the abundance of creativity that’s inside of you and to let it out!

Even if it’s been a long time since you’ve allowed yourself to dream or use your imagination to exercise the childlike curiosity that we often lack in adulthood.


Perhaps you need to stop trying to control your creativity and just let it flow!

Sit down and do a “brain dump” — grab a sheet of paper and write whatever comes to mind.

Doing this at the start and/or end of the day, when everyone else is asleep, really helps me to organize my thoughts and get into a creative space.

Write it out and then talk it out with someone you trust. You could even record a voice memo on your phone to get it out of your head — this always helps me sort through and articulate my thoughts.

Warning: Doing this activity at night often awakens my creativity so much that I’m up for hours past my bedtime writing, creating, visualizing, and imagining! (So, you may need double the Bulletproof Coffee the next morning!)


Have you used any of these five tips to boost your creativity?

Bookmark this article for when you need a little reminder that you are a creative genius!

Creativity is part of your DNA — it is always available to you!

Being creative is human, and it is your divine right. Your creativity is a gift — use it, protect it, and value it.

For more on Jelisa, head here!

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