Spirituality of Nutrition

What’s The Vibration Of Your Business?

What's Your Business Vibration

Is your business unable to thrive because your heart is craving emotional freedom?

If any emotions within your heart were blocking you from being whole and fully present with clients, would you want them removed to encourage growth?

I’m guessing the answer would be, “Yes!”


What is a heart-wall?

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, “the heart is fragile and needs protection in tough times because it is vulnerable to being broken”.

Your subconscious goes to work when your heart and body respond to the stress caused by the emotional trauma of fight, flight, or fright.

If the emotional stress is triggered by an event that is too much for the heart-brain to take, it will develop and build a wall around the heart to protect itself.

In Dr. Nelson’s extensive experience he estimates that 93% of people have a heart-wall.

Through muscle response testing this “heart-wall” can be measured for thickness, symbolic material and the number of layers.

The heart-wall is a wall of trapped emotions that can use any symbolic substance to protect itself.

It will often use a material that we can resonate with to protect itself. For instance, an abused woman may build a wall of steel, where a child may use the material of their favorite blanket.

Both are serving the same purpose but are two totally different material symbols of their journey of protection.


We often hear that statement: ‘peel back the layers of our emotions’.

What does this mean?

Let’s think about an onion. In the middle of the onion, you will find a heart, but in order to see it or find it you must peel back the layers.

In the same respect, when a heart-wall is found, you have to peel back the energy layers of the heart-wall to find the fragile organ that is so important to provide you with physical vitality and strength.

Learn more about the heart and the importance of releasing negative emotions that are affecting your business and personal life here.


If the heart-wall is protecting you, why is it necessary to peel those layers back to reveal the fragility?

Why is it necessary to remove these layers of emotions or protection barriers?

When your walls are created by emotional trauma, the subconscious mind will also assume the role of protection when vulnerable emotions like love, compassion, and acceptance are experienced.

The success of your business, as a Health or Business Coach, can become hampered and deflate if you do not release destructive emotional patterns.

The subconscious will understand the risk of opening the heart and will block the emotions entering or radiating out of your heart until this wall is removed.

Therefore, your ability to assist your clients will be gradually restored as you are restored!


These limiting beliefs can impact the very “heart” of your business. The heart-wall can create perceived, imaginary or in some cases real belief systems that provide a safety harness within the heart that will protect you against the potential for hurt or failure.

If you have a fear of being successful, this will limit your ability to be successful.

How many times as a Health or Business Coach have you struggled for motivation or procrastinated a deadline? (Can you relate?)

The limiting fear that is creating resistance may not allow you to take the necessary steps to make your business successful by not doing the marketing you know you should do, not following up with clients, or self-sabotaging your business and goals.

Release Limiting Beliefs


These heart-walls become more apparent as you strive for abundance, success, and financial freedom within your business but struggle to reach it.

This can be due to not only limiting beliefs of the heart-wall but the fear of success.

The heart-wall can also be responsible for the imposter syndrome that will keep you firmly rooted without moving forward.

Symptoms of the heart-wall can become physical too!

The fear of success or limiting beliefs from the heart-wall will often affect the glands of the thymus, adrenals, and thyroid.

The thymus gland sits right on top of the heart and produces T4 cells. When T4 cells are not converting to T3, then the adrenals and the thyroid become fatigued. In some cases, this may be the work of a heart-wall!

The result is fatigue, and in many cases, this fatigue can be a factor in failing to create success in your business.

Heart-walls can impact your business by presenting certain blockages in your path. Such as blockages from:

  • whole body wellness
  • finding and following your true mission
  • finding and maintaining financial abundance
  • the true success you desire and deserve
  • connecting authentically with clients


Take a moment to take a vibrational inventory of your business to see where you might be experiencing the effects of a heart-wall. Use the questions below to help you get clear on your business vibration.

  • What type of client are you attracting?
  • Are you attracting the same type of client and can’t get beyond the rut?
  • Are new clients staying, buying, liking and referring you out with testimonials?
  • How are your prospects? Do they match the vibe of your business or do they fail to meet the picture of your “perfect” client?
  • Are your clients being successful with your coaching or is it a struggle?
  • Are you sending vibrations of success or failure?
  • Do your clients feel the authenticity of your heart?
  • Does your mouth broadcast your message one way but your heart broadcasts out vibes the other way?


By shifting the vibe of your business and taking the necessary actions to clear any heart-walls, you’ll be able to create space for success, abundance, and peace within your business and your body.

Here are the actions you can take to begin to remove your heart-wall and create more success in your business.

1. Have a willing heart and ask yourself some introspective questions regarding your business. Such as:

  • Does my heart match my business?
  • What experiences in my business am I not enjoying?
  • When will I be open to receive love and healing that goes beyond the physical energy of the body?
  • Where do I see my business when I become emotionally healed from the traumas of the past?
  • Is my heart-wall blocking the full alignment of the subconscious and conscious mind with my mission and purpose?

2. Take accountability and be present for the journey into the past to move into the future.
3. Be ready to be fully present and open for a beautiful journey of releasing your heart-wall.
4. Connect with a Certified Emotion/Body Practitioner like myself that can guide you on your journey to clear your heart-wall.


Are you ready to experience emotional freedom that will move you and your business toward more financial freedom, more clients and more authenticity?

What type of business will you experience when you are emotionally free from the bonds that hold your business back?

Take a moment and imagine what your business would look like! Tell us in the comments what you envision.

Head here to more about releasing your limiting beliefs to create more success in your business!

Check out Rene’s website here!

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