Spirituality of Nutrition

How To Expand Your Consciousness

How To Expand Your Consciousness

The first time I heard the term “consciousness expansion” I was like, “Um, that sounds like some weird, hippie woo-woo stuff!”

I’ll admit that it is! So, what does “expanding your consciousness” even mean?

Have you ever gazed up into the sky and got completely lost in the absolute wonder of it all?

Or have you connected with another human being so deeply that you almost can’t explain it within the confines of your five senses?

Have you ever listened to a song and it seemingly transported you to another ‘reality,’ so to speak?

I remember one night pretty vividly when I was living in Estonia. I was with a group from an international school. We were doing meditative exercises to facilitate connecting with our higher selves and our higher power.

I was learning how to just BE in the world instead of always having to DO and act in certain ways.

In that particular moment, I was sitting crossed legged outside in an open field (just like the cliche picture you get in your head when you think of someone meditating).

We were in a tiny town, which made it easy to see the illumination of the moon on the clouds and the infinite vastness of the stars in the dark, midnight sky.

I was peacefully soaking up and experiencing the grass beneath my legs, the still of the late night, and the mystery of the stars and their majestic, yet grounding gloriousness.

All five of my senses couldn’t grasp the grandeur of it all at once. It seemed as if there was a sort of sense beyond what I humanely could perceive — I felt like my ‘consciousness’ was ‘expanding’!


“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu

Sure, there is a sense of awareness through hearing, touching, seeing, smelling and tasting. But in order to reach the ‘higher dimensions of consciousness,’ I believe we must tap into our thoughts through our HEARTS!

Do you believe our hearts are the single, strongest and most magnetizing space in our being to create a connection? Connection with other souls, animals, nature and ‘things’ beyond what we can comprehend in this 3D reality?

What if we tapped into our heart spaces more often?

What if through that we could become aware of things far beyond what our conditioned and limiting thoughts allowed?

I think we all know what limiting beliefs are, right? Those ‘silly’ thoughts that stop us in our tracks. Those thoughts that paralyze us and inhibit abundance flowing in and out of our lives.

If we could somehow release those, we’d feel freer, blissful, joyful and peaceful way more often! We could experience the puzzle pieces of life magically coming together one by one — orchestrating a ‘mindgasm,’ if you will!

Consciousness Expansion


I’ve personally experienced consciousness expansion a myriad of different ways and through various means.

However, there is a quick exercise you can do immediately to accelerate the process of connecting to your heart space.


  1. Sit comfortably in a quiet space for at least 5 minutes. Don’t forget to turn your phone on silent!
  2. Start by placing both your hands on your heart.
  3. Sit for a minute or so while asking your consciousness what it has for you to expand on today?
  4. Then just sit in the silence and OBSERVE your thoughts. They are not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ — they are JUST thoughts. Thoughts like, “I have to pick up that cake for my friends birthday. Or what am I going to make for dinner? Or why did I wear this top with this pair of pants?” are totally normal! Just let them roll by like ripples in a body of water.

You’ll be surprised to find that soon your thoughts will redirect to matters of the heart and soul. These are exciting times! It’s a time of exponential consciousness expansion.

As healers and lightworkers, we have the opportunity to connect with one another, our families and friends, our clients and the beings around us on such a deep level of understanding and intimacy, if we so desire.

We can ALLOW that heart connection to flow in and out.

Need some help deepening your spiritual connection? Check out this article for tips on how to Skyrocket Your Spiritual Growth!

What a magnificent energy that could bring to the flow of the universe?!?!

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