Spirituality of Nutrition

Why Intuition Is Key In Helping To Heal Chronic Illness

Why Intuition Is Key To Healing Chronic Illness

If I could jump in a time machine and travel back to 2006, there is one thing I would tell my current self, “NEVER, even for one moment, stop listening to your intuition!”

Lucky for me during my long journey to healing from two autoimmune conditions, that voice was louder more often than not. Thank goodness for my health, I decided to tune into that little voice.

Without a doubt, I believe that listening to my intuition is what led me down the most incredible path I have ever been down. Not only was I able to heal, but I also discovered my life’s passion and purpose.

Trust me! I know that it can be easy to ignore your intuition.

I am here to tell you that the little voice or feeling deep from within is an important messenger that will lead you exactly where you need to go. All you have to do is listen!

If you aren’t quite convinced, let the research do that talking! Researchers at Leeds say these feelings, or intuitions, are real, and we should take our hunches seriously.


When you’re faced with a diagnosis of chronic illness, it can be easy to go with the flow and do exactly what we are told to do. It’s common to hear your options and go directly into autopilot without ever taking one second to question the road ahead.

I was there once and know how it can leave you feeling confused, uncertain, and fearful of what the future holds.

A few years ago, I was asked what motivated me to take the road less traveled in my autoimmune healing. After thinking about it for a few moments, I realized that I continually listened to my intuition.

Whether it was the decision that pharmaceuticals were not for me, or simply the small steps I took on a daily basis, I never ignored my innate gut feelings.

You’re probably wondering how you too can go about tuning into your intuition. Believe it or not, with a little practice, tuning into your intuition can become second nature!



When your mind is racing back and forth about making a decision or figuring out what to do next, find a quiet place and sit in silence. Ask yourself the question you are trying to answer.

Don’t control or place judgments on the thoughts that come into your mind. Let them flow and come to you. The answer you are searching for will become clear! (Scout’s honor!)


Easier said than done, right? This is personally something I have struggled with my entire life. I have found the more I go with my initial gut reaction, the better and more content I am with the outcome.

Practice going with the first nudge that comes to you. The more you do this, the easier it will become for you to follow your gut instinct and not second guess it.


It’s our knee jerk reaction to look outside of ourselves when we are searching for an answer. (#guilty)

When we do this, we often second guess our decisions and continue to quiet that voice of intuition.

When we trust our inner knowing and listen closely, we will find the answer was there all along!


If you are struggling with chronic illness (or really anything in life), try tuning in to your intuition and allow it to guide you. Trust yourself and remember you know yourself better than anyone else!

What ways do you practice listening to your intuition? Go ahead and share your practices in the comments below!

For more on Katie, head here!

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