Spirituality of Nutrition

Is Resistance Holding You Back From Creating an Empire

Is Resistance Holding You Back From Creating an Empire

Let’s talk about the juicy topic of la résistance! (As the French would say!)

As Health Coaches (and aspiring Health Coaches), we ALL know too well what resistance is!

Did anyone ever ‘warn’ you and say “If you want to accelerate your personal growth process just start your own business”? I was!

However, it really wasn’t until I became an entrepreneur that I was able to truly comprehend how that would unfold in my life. (Insert facepalm!)

I bet you can relate!

You create the checklists, and you know all the steps you have to take to see progress. Right?!

Then, PARALYSIS shows up! You know that old nemesis!

As an entrepreneur, you want it all! You want the followers on social media, the clients pouring in the door, the sign-ups for the AMAZING freebie on your website, the speaking engagements, and the list goes on!

Maybe you’ve heard a conversation or two about this little thing called manifesting? It is such a buzzword these days!

It might look something like this:

  • Tap into HOW it FEELS to reach your goal.
  • Keep your vibration high.
  • Take action toward your goals.
  • Trust that the Universe has orchestrated everything.
  • Release and let go of the resistance.

I could take you deep into some rabbit holes right here, but for the sake of time let’s dive into the topic of releasing resistance.



No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it – Albert Einstein

Let’s go on a little journey together (because this was me and might be you right now!) See yourself building a rad website, and then you created an awesome online freebie opt-in.

You then invite all your Facebook friends to sign up, and tell the world because you KNOW what you have to offer is incredible — which it entirely is!

But then… crickets!

That’s when the limiting beliefs come in…

  • What did I do ‘wrong’?
  • Do people not like me?
  • Am I ‘good enough’ to do what I want to do?

You start spiraling into these negative mindsets. You start RESISTING the flow of abundance. (Okay, come back to reality with me now!)

Here’s the moment of truth! (Are you ready?)

There’s no way that you are ever going to ‘attract’ a flow of abundance into your life if you’re stuck in the “same level of consciousness” that created the resistance you’re experiencing!

how to let resistance go


Ask yourself, “what areas of my life am I excelling in?” Are you rocking your workouts and your nutrition? Do you have a relationship that is going really well? Or maybe your financial situation is on point!

What you want to do is a little switcheroo with your focus! You want to take the focus off of those limiting beliefs and refocus it on something that will increase your vibrational frequency — that feeling you get when you’re super fulfilled, happy and joyful, that high as a kite kind of feeling!

Whatever you focus on you FEEL and whatever you feel you ATTRACT! So, if you’re feeling easy, breezy, and high vibes, then that is exactly what you’ll attract!

This is where the momentum starts to build and things get really groovy!


It’s when you start to feel that momentum that you’ll feel comfortable retaking action in that area where you were feeling resistance.

This is possible because you were able to ‘transfer’ those high vibe feelings when you refocused on the things and the areas of your life that are running as smooth as grass-fed butter!

For example, there are still moments when I sit down to post on social media, and I catch myself thinking, “Ugh, this is hard! I don’t wanna do this,” (like a toddler kicking and screaming!)

Then, I recall my little magic trick! I begin to refocus on how I feel when I’m out in the middle of the forest, jogging, and how effortless it feels.

I then internalize that feeling and begin to write my post. Wham Bam! Thank you, ma’am! It flows like a river running downstream.


You might be thinking, “Hold up! If I’m not intently focusing on attracting opt-in sign-ups, new followers, clients, speaking engagements, then I won’t attract them?! Right??”


The more you can release that focus the easier it will be for you to allow the flow of abundance in and out of your life.


When you finally release resistance and tap into your higher self by refocusing your high vibrations, you allow more and more flow into your life and into all that you create!

So, who wants more flow in their lives? (I see you raising your hand!) Comment below and tell us where you experience flow in your life!

Let’s be honest; if you want to have more flow in your life, you have to deepen your spirituality! Head here to learn how to Skyrocket Your Spiritual Growth!

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