Student Success Stories

How She Turned Her Cancer Diagnosis into an Empowering Career

Zoraida Morales shares her journey with becoming a cancer coach.


Get ready to be inspired by an incredible story of resilience and transformation.

Today, we’re shining a spotlight on Zoraida Morales, a true warrior who not only conquered cancer but also turned her experience into a powerful career as a Certified Cancer Coach right here at ITN.

Buckle up, because this journey is about to take you on an emotional and empowering ride!


The Shocking Diagnosis and the Resilient Reaction

Picture this: it’s 2008, and Zoraida Morales receives news that would change her life forever – a diagnosis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

“I got diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia and I can tell you that the day I got diagnosed, I thought I was going to hit the oncologist because I said, ‘what the f are you talking about?'” Zoraida recalls with a mix of shock and humor. With two young children and what she thought was a picture-perfect life, this news rocked her world. But Zoraida’s journey was just beginning.


Shifting Mindsets and Embracing Change

The initial shock eventually settled, and Zoraida found herself at a crossroads. Determined to take charge of her life, both physically and mentally, she embarked on a journey of self-improvement.

“So I knew that I had to make some changes, but I didn’t know what and I didn’t know how,” she admits. From overhauling her diet to exploring Kundalini yoga and meditation, Zoraida was determined to heal from the inside out.

“Getting that diagnosis, it’s a mindset. You have to acknowledge it, you have to mourn the like, then you have to try to find a new life, right? Curate another lifestyle.”


From Personal Transformation to Empowering Others

As Zoraida’s journey continued, her desire to help others became crystal clear. A pivotal moment arrived when her sister asked for her guidance in helping her daughter, diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. Zoraida’s heartwarming response was a turning point.

“I mean, it’s like your heart starts to pump and for me, my fingers tingle. I’ve noticed that. So I felt all those things and in that moment, I knew what was going to feed my soul and I knew I had to leave finance. I knew that I had to be a cancer coach, but I didn’t know how.”

“There aren’t a lot of cancer coaching schools. There aren’t a lot of cancer coaches, period,” she points out.


The Quest For Holistic Healing and ITN

Emboldened by her passion, Zoraida embarked on a mission to become a Certified Cancer Coach.

Zoraida knew the holistic approach was key, having experienced firsthand the transformative power of treating her mind, body, and soul as a whole. “I learned it the hard way. I knew that to fight cancer, I had to treat the entire Zoraida.” After careful research, Zoraida found her match: ITN. With a focus on holistic healing and empowering others, it was a no-brainer decision.


Zoraida’s Reflection:

 “I want people to know that one in three people get cancer. I want people to know that they can also become a cancer coach and help others.” – Zoraida Morales


Conclusion: A Story of Resilience

There you have it, an extraordinary journey of turning adversity into a source of strength and support.

Zoraida Morales is a shining example of resilience, determination, and the power of spreading hope.

So, whether you’re facing your own challenges or seeking to empower others, remember Zoraida’s story and the incredible impact one person can make.

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