Science of Nutrition

The Negative Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle


As much as you might not want to be called “sedentary,” or be labeled as a “couch potato,” you have to ask yourself the following: When was the last time that you took the stairs instead of the elevator or parked further away from the entrance just to get some extra steps in?

Do you walk around during the day, or do you sit at your desk for the full 8-9 hours before heading home to relax on the couch?

If you find yourself guilty, you’re not alone. According to the World Health Organization, ​​60% to 85% of people in the world lead sedentary lifestyles.


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Wake up, drive to work, sit for eight hours, drive home, order dinner delivery, and then plop on the couch for some much-needed zone-out time.

Sound familiar?

Even when we visit loved ones, the first thing they often say is, “Come on in! Take a seat! Make yourself comfortable!”

As a society, being sedentary has become the norm, and the negative health effects are starting to catch up. 

According to Dr. James Levine, author of Get Up! Why Your Chair Is Killing You and What You Can Do About It, life expectancy decreases by 22 minutes for every one hour spent watching television.

Even more so, there are negative consequences on our physical, mental, and spiritual health when we live a sedentary lifestyle.

Being sedentary doesn’t just affect adults, though. Nearly two-thirds of our children are insufficiently active.

Cynthia shares tips for how to get the whole family off the couch like her family’s post-dinner walks around the neighborhood. Listen in to learn more about the health benefits of an active lifestyle and ways to add meaningful movement into your life today!


Listen to Episode 015 to Discover...
  • Surprising (and shocking!) statistics about how being sedentary negatively affects your overall health
  • Realistic ways to approach movement in a sustainable way 
  • Why a standing desk isn’t the magic solution to society’s sedentary epidemic 
  • Cynthia’s “3 S’s” method to get moving during the workday 
  • Simple lifestyle shifts that you can implement today


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