Business Skills

Having Trouble Getting Coaching Clients? Try This

So, you’ve put in the work, you’ve gotten certified, and now you are finally ready to start serving your audience.

*Cue the sound of crickets*

It’s not a very nice feeling. Maybe you’ve put out a few social posts, written a few blogs, anddd you just can’t seem to gain people’s attention.

Look, it happens to many coaches. Even ITN Founder Cynthia Garcia has gone through spurts of struggling to reach the right audience.

The important thing is to not panic and to not give up. You’ve got this!

As stressful as it may feel to not be able to find clients for your coaching business, it’s nothing to worry too much about!

Often, it’s because of one of a few common barriers, which could be related to your marketing efforts, your niche, and the way you present yourself to your audience.

For example, one of the most common mistakes that Cynthia sees with new coaches is that they try to mimic successful people in the field.

They think that following a formula is a safe way to help them stand out and get more clients, but the reality is, that’s probably the reason why they can’t grow their business. 

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Your passion is helping people transform their bodies, minds, and spirits.

You are going to be able to make a successful career out of something as important as that!! 

Have confidence in yourself and your abilities, and tune in to learn how to hone in your marketing skills for your business.


Listen to Episode 026 to Discover...
  • Questions to ask yourself when you’re writing copy for your coaching services 
  • Online tools that can help you get into the minds and hearts of potential clients 
  • Cynthia’s simple Amazon review trick to inspire your writing  
  • The best and easiest way to discover your speciality 
  • The importance of offering free content to get long-term investments 

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