Spirituality of Nutrition

How to Heal Your Gut and Follow Your Intuition with Brandi Mackenzie

On today’s episode, Cynthia catches up with Brandi Mackenzie, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Certified Holistic Chef, and creator of the Nourishment Framework™.

Brandi recently published her book Love Your Gut: A Six-Week Guide to Restoring Your Nutrition and Trusting Your Intuition, and she and Cynthia discuss the inspiration behind it, what readers can expect to learn, and so much more. 


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After years of coaching and embarking on her own health journey, Brandi wanted to create a ‘reset button’ tool that people could use to empower themselves to heal their gut.

She explains her approach to translating nutritional sciences into behavioral and lifestyle suggestions, and breaks down the three phases of restoring your digestive health that she covers in her book. 

In their conversation, Brandi and Cynthia explore why fad diets don’t work, how to develop a sense of trust, and the importance of following your body’s wise inner voice.

Brandi highlights practical ways to celebrate without using food as a reward and what’s really moving the needle on her health goals lately.

Plus, she shares her top advice for coaches who want to make a difference in the health and wellness space.


Listen to Episode 049 to Discover...
  • How to start trusting yourself again and tune out the experts with differing opinions 
  • Brandi’s ‘goal with soul’ approach to healing the line of communication between your gut and brain 
  • Three practical lifestyle tips that will make a huge impact on your digestive health 
  • The methodology behind the Love Your Gut preparation, elimination, and reintroduction phases 
  • What Brandi considers to be the key success factor for health and wellness coaches


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