Psychology of Nutrition

THIS is How You Make a Decision Fast (and Not Regret it Later)


In every decision that we face, there are psychological factors that weigh in and affect the choices that we make.

Between choosing what to cook for dinner, creating a success plan for a client, and everything in between, it’s no surprise that so many of us struggle with decision fatigue. 

On today’s episode, Cynthia shares her simple decision-making formula that makes it simple and easy to take definitive action.


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Once you identify what the problem is, you weigh the solutions, list out the pros and cons of each option, and then consider the best case versus the worst case scenario. 

Cynthia stresses that in most situations, there isn’t a wrong decision 一 just different outcomes.

She breaks down how to overcome the fear of the emotions you might feel if you fail and how to make decisions that are in alignment with your priorities.

Listen to Episode 056 to Discover...
  • How to recognize when you’re burnt out from making decisions (and how to recover)
  • Three psychological coping mechanisms that can impact your ability to take risks and try something new 
  • A simple system to help you consider your options and outcomes in every choice
  • Tips for embodying what failure might feel like so that you don’t fear those emotions when making a decision


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