Business Skills

Why Your Coaching Business Isn’t Growing (And How to Fix It)

What to do when you're not seeing business growth

As easy as it is to get caught up in the day-to-day of your coaching business, it’s essential to take time to work on your business, instead of just in your business.

We’ve all been there where we feel plateaued and burned out with the seemingly endless to-do list. Meet with clients, answer emails, create content for social media, work on that project that you started five months ago, and the list goes on. 

ITN founder and CEO Cynthia Garcia has three simple tips for how to shift your energy and focus on growing your business.

It’s important to take time to identify your strengths, get really clear about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, and set a clear vision for your business.

Figure out what you can automate or outsource so that you can do the things that you love, and do them efficiently. Think about where you want to be in three months, six months, and even a year from now.

These exercises will help you get back in that creative space and build the coaching business that you’ve always dreamed of.

Listen in to hear more about Cynthia’s transition from feeling stagnant and overworked to inspired and successful.

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Listen to Episode 029 to Discover...
  • Why it’s crucial to think about more than just the day-to-day details of running your coaching business 
  • Signs that you’re working in your business instead of on it
  • Cynthia’s top three tips for how to think beyond the daily to-do list 
  • How to stay focused on the things that really matter 
  • Tips for automating time-consuming tasks

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