Business Skills

The Two Things Online Schools Provide You that No Other School Can

online schooling

As we’re nearing the time of year when schools and colleges are usually back in session, there is still a lot up in the air about how that’s going to look across the country and the world this year.

While some states and universities have already shut down schools for the fall semester, others remain open or on hybrid schedules with limited class sizes and added social distancing. Regardless of how it is where you live, one thing is for sure. We’re experiencing a new kind of normal when it comes to schooling.

Change isn’t something that we welcome easily, and it’s likely that you’re experiencing some stress around getting thrown off your normal routine.

But we believe this shift has been in effect for a little while when it comes to post-secondary education, and we also believe online schooling is here to stay (at least in some ways). Let us tell you why.


When schools began to shift online, people pushed back. For centuries, school routines had been the same. Students would wake up Monday – Friday, head to class, learn all day, and head home.


It’s what we’ve come to know as a normal school day.

Same goes for corporate 9am – 5pm jobs. You wake up, go to work for a timeframe regardless of if you have enough work to fill that timeframe, head home, spend a few short hours with your family, and then go to bed only to wake up and do it all over again the next day.

But throughout this pandemic, we’ve had to shift everything we’ve ever known about normal. It’s been uncomfortable, but it’s also been freeing.

Now more than ever before, people are discovering what matters to them. They’re figuring out how to balance their lives in a way that makes so much more sense and helps them prioritize family time.

They’re realizing that maybe, just maybe we’ve had it all wrong. And that maybe just maybe we don’t have to continue with the status quo that we’ve been living in for so long, without rhyme or reason.


By shifting online, schools and jobs alike are suddenly more freeing, not holding a strict time schedule, but instead allowing their students and employees to work when they can to get the job done.

Teachers and professors are meeting with students via Zoom calls to check in and teach, but the students are then able to go about their days, getting their work done when they have the energy and focus to do so.

Don’t you remember those classes in college that were at times of the day where you were extra tired, hungry, or unfocused? Do you think you got a lot out of those courses? Probably not.

The world in which we’re expected to be productive for a set number of hours is falling by the wayside as more and more people are realizing that their best hours aren’t when their professors say they are – they’re when their energy and focus are the highest.

Every single person is different in this way, and when we can channel our best energy to do our best work, we end up saving so much time in the process.

This is just one reason why higher education online schooling makes sense – you can do the work when it’s best for you and spend the time you save doing something you love.

online schooling


When it comes to higher education, one thing comes to mind – the price tag. Colleges and universities these days are charging higher rates per semester than ever before. Student loan debt is soaring, and there seems to be no sign of tuition rates going down anytime soon.

Many 18-year-olds are told they must go to college, sign on for all this debt they don’t fully understand, and obtain a major in something they’re not entirely interested in, just because it’s what they were expected to do.

Online schools usually cost less money and allow you to specialize in something that you’re interested in without all the pre-requisite courses that eat up your time too.


Here at ITN, we’ve had a pulse on this for a while now, and we’ve been an established post-secondary education institution for years.

We believe you should be able to make more money and have the time freedom to actually enjoy it, without spending four (or more) years getting an education that doesn’t actually serve you and wastes your time in the process.

ITN provides an in-depth coaching education that encompasses physical nutrition, mental nutrition, spiritual nutrition, business building skills, and coaching skills so you have everything you need to become a successful coach – without any extra fluff thrown in that ultimately wastes your time.

The program is flexible, allowing you to learn when it best suits you and building in extra time for breaks, vacations, and family time.

Not to mention, the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) course at ITN is designed to take you about 14 months to complete. Not 4 years. So you can get an education, learn important steps to building a successful business, and gain a return on investment on your education quickly and effectively.


Online higher education schools have gotten a bad reputation as being less than when it comes to a college or university, but the reality is they understand two things you need in order to live life fully – time and money.

That’s why our mission here at ITN is to make sure you have enough of both so you can experience the freedom you’ve been longing for.

Head here to learn more about our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program.

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