Business Skills

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Workspace

3 ways to make your workspace more productive today
  • Where you work truly makes all the difference on your productivity. 
  • You don’t need a whole office to build a successful business, but you do need to be intentional with your space. 
  • Your workspace should inspire you. 
  • Be sure to invest in the things that are going to make a difference — like a comfy chair!

Why does your workspace matter?

You’ve heard the adage, “time is money,” and that’s never truer than when you’re a coach building your business. Setting up a workspace that will help you become more productive is often overlooked but can be critical to growing your business.

Let’s take a look at three ways to make your workspace more productive today!

1. Choose the perfect location 

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need a full-on office or a dedicated room in your house to deter you from caring about your workspace.

All you need is your own private space that’s somewhere other than the dining room table!

I’ve seen coaches who are just getting started convert a cozy corner or a small closet into an office, and it works great! I worked out of the corner of my bedroom for years while I was first building my business.

Your working environment should be quiet and peaceful so that it allows you to focus on building your business and coaching your clients without distractions — something that can destroy productivity.

2. Make your workspace inspirational

Once you have chosen your private working environment, fill it with beautiful things that inspire you like photos, flowers, or other keepsakes.

You can even put your vision board up to help you stay focused on what you want to achieve.

If you have inspirational items in your workspace it will help prevent you from seeking out that inspiration online, on your phone, or elsewhere.

Also, make sure to avoid clutter and have a designated area for filing, supplies, and of course, trash. Remember, a cluttered workspace is a cluttered mind!

3. Choose a supportive chair

Make sure you have a comfortable chair that supports your body. This can make all the difference when it comes to being productive. If you are uncomfortable, it will distract you from the tasks at hand.

For years I worked sitting in a cheap office chair because it’s all I could afford. I had terrible back and neck aches every single day.

So, after a couple of years of that, I saved up some money and purchased a Herman Miller Aeron chair. It cost around $800 — which was a fortune for me then, especially for a chair — but my back and neck never hurt a day after that. I still use this chair in my current workspace and it’s still amazing.

Which of these tips will you implement today to increase your productivity and grow your business?

Tell us in the comments!

Looking for more productivity tips? Read this blog post next!

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