Coaching Skills

Are You Guilty of These Old School Health Coaching Methods

Are You Guilty Of These Old School Coaching Methods

Let’s not beat around the bush! The old method of health coaching, life coaching, and nutrition coaching is perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists!

The old method of coaching is perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists!

This is good news — trust us! While the coaching industry is still blossoming and shaping into one of the most amazing industries available to us, it’s clear that what used to work for Health Coaches, Life Coaches, and Nutrition Coaches is now outdated and useless.


Changing lives and doing something in the world that you’re proud of goes beyond counting calories and one-size-fits-all diets. People are now looking for credible, forward-thinking coaches who can finally help them stop suffering in silence.

Transformational Nutrition Method

Transformational Nutrition Method

To best understand what no longer serves you as a coach, or your clients, let’s take a look at what the old school methods of coaching were and hold them up to the new method of coaching, which we like to call “The Transformational Nutrition Method!”



Calories in versus calories out is an outdated mentality with no scientific backing. Think about it this way, if you focused on calories in and calories out, you could technically each whatever you wanted, so long as you worked off the same amount of calories. (Clearly, this math equation is rigged!)

You can see where this gets dicey! People will start to think that it’s okay to eat cookies, ice cream, and pizza, as long as they work those calories off. Your body just doesn’t function like that!

Your body requires high-quality nutrition with minimally processed food. Not only does your body require nutrient-dense foods, but it also needs an approach that addresses the root cause of your health concerns.

Which is why coaches now use functional nutrition as a means to help their clients get results.

Functional nutrition is a system used to address health concerns based on root causes, coaching tools, and therapeutic partnerships. It can be helpful when exploring root causes and supporting your client by demonstrating empathy and true concern for their challenges.

As you can see, this approach just makes more sense. So, at ITN, we’re redefining nutrition as anything that feeds you physically, mentally, and spiritually. When you use this approach with your clients, you’re able to offer them a solution that goes beyond the surface. And, when you pair it with personalized nutrition, you can give your clients the tools to finally heal!

personalized nutrition


Cookie-cutter diets used to be the cool (and easy) thing to offer your clients! Not anymore — and for good reasoning! (Thank goodness!)

No two individuals are alike (as a coach, you’ve probably figured that one out by now!) So why would two totally different people thrive off of the same diet plan?

The thing is, they never do!

An educated and qualified coach will work with their client to customize a dietary approach that works specifically for them! By using an in-depth intake form (something we educate our Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNC) on at ITN), you can offer your clients an approach that helps them to finally get results!


Old school methods of health coaching and nutrition coaching targeted food and lifestyle habits alone, which is a great place to start.

Yet again, it’s the old school method for a reason! Newsflash: human beings are so much more complex than just food and lifestyle! Which is why at ITN we believe you’re fed by so much more than what’s on your plate. To see lasting changes, you must target psychology and spirituality, as well!

It’s no secret that emotions cause ailments within our bodies.

When you experience trauma — keep in mind that trauma is trauma period, there isn’t one traumatic experience that is less than another — you tend to house it in your body, and if it isn’t released, it can cause ailments, physical pain, and disruption within the body.

By targeting food, lifestyle, psychology, and spirituality, you can help your clients to address every area of their life that needs attention, love, and healing.


The old school method of health coaching focused on habit change and habit change alone! Sorry to break it to you, but this approach just doesn’t make the cut anymore!

It simply doesn’t give your clients the push and motivation necessary to implement those habit changes.

Breaking a habit, or creating a new one, can be a long and challenging journey, which most people don’t have the patience or drive to do.

However, when you base your coaching on individualized motivation and learn how your client is best inspired, they will flourish and have the accountability to create habits that set them up for ultimate health.

Ask your client how they prefer to be motivated and held accountable from the get-go. When you’re both on the same page and clear about their preferred approach, you’ll be able to help them stay on track and achieve their goals with ease.

motivating clients


Meal plans, oh meal plans! Ages ago, people used to think meal plans were the bee’s knees — nowadays, not so much!

Luckily, coaches are waking up to the realization that as people continue to get busier, meal plans will continue to fail! Unless… you as a coach explore the reason behind “why” a meal plan or dietary approach isn’t working for your client.

Usually, there is a deeper meaning to your client sabotaging a meal plan or a particular dietary approach. The new approach to meal planning is to get clear on the “why” behind your client’s actions and help them to understand why they fall into the same cycle.


When the coaching industry was born, many coaches defaulted to generic coaching scripts and skills that left both their client and themselves feeling disconnected.

Clients can now see through those ingenuine coaching scripts and are looking for a coach who is transparent and offers a personalized approach to coaching!

This is exactly why we educate our CTNCs on a step-by-step system to personalized coaching —the Transformational Nutrition Method! We believe that for your clients to get results and to achieve their goals long-term, your approach to working with them should be specific to their needs, and it should be easy to create.

passion-based learning

We also believe that you should be able to learn what you love. We do this by providing passion-based learning so you can learn what you love and earn two certifications in one. Once you’re done with your core certification, you can specialize in an area you’re passionate about – at no extra charge. You can finally stand out and be seen as an expert in your niche so you can increase your success and help who you’re passionate about helping.


Top Health Conditions Master Certified Health Coaches Are Trained To Handle

What do you get when you combine all of the new coaching techniques we mentioned above? You get a system that offers your clients the absolute best approach to coaching without the guesswork!

At ITN, we’ve taken the liberty to stay on the pulse of the coaching industry and have created a system that has transformed coaching for good!

Our unique approach combines the science, psychological, and spiritual areas of nutrition so you can take a holistic approach to coaching! We can see you over there, sitting on the edge of your seat with excitement!

After decades of working in the coaching industry and navigating the bumps in the road, our amazing founder, Cynthia Garcia, created a unique method that removed the guesswork, saving you time and money while boosting your confidence! It just keeps getting better!

Aside from all of that, our founder is one of the most in-demand coaches in the world and has decades of experience. (Lucky for you!) This allows us to help you become a successful modern-day coach since we know what actually works and what doesn’t.


The Coaching Industry Is Growing And Why It Matters

We can see you beaming with excitement! Join the thousands who have said goodbye to the old, outdated coaching methods and have taken the leap to become a successful modern-day coach utilizing the new coaching methods as an ITN graduate!

You’re seriously one tiny step away from making the best decision of your life — and we have a certification waiting for you! Yup, it even has your name on it!

So, are you ready to take that next step and become a highly reputable and respected coach? Head here to connect with us and to make your dreams come true! We can’t wait to welcome you into our family!

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