Psychology of Nutrition

Could Alex Trebek Be Experiencing Transformational Nutrition?

the important of spirituality and transformational nutrition for healing

The beloved host of “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek announced in March that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer — a type of cancer that has a 9% survival rate.

Yet with such slim odds, Trebek says he’s responding to treatment exceptionally well! So well that he’s already nearing remission, according to his doctors.

With a 9% survival rate, you can’t help but wonder, how is Trebek responding so well so quickly, right?

Trebek put it perfectly, “I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed towards me and their prayers,” he said.

“I told the doctors, this has to be more than just the chemo, and they agreed it could very well be an important part of this,” he went on to say.

And, he’s totally right — his progress is absolutely more than just the chemo! In fact, it is a beautiful example of Transformational Nutrition!


The Transformational Nutrition Method® is a powerful triangle made up of science, psychology, and spirituality. Each of these three components of the model form an interconnected web that recognizes the complexity of health and disease.

The purpose of the Transformational Nutrition Model is to “provide an interconnected system to show how the science, psychology, and spirituality of nutrition blend together along with the physical, social, environmental, and behavioral components to create a model of personalized nutrition that allows an individual to heal and create permanent change.”

This is the only method that holistically combines these powerful components to promote vibrant mental, physical, psychological, and spiritual health.


In the West, physical science is considered a “hard” science. It’s often understood as a more legitimate science than the science of psychology, nutrition, and spirituality.

But this is simply untrue.

The West has wrongly separated the mind, body, and spirit. However, the “hard” science of medicine is incomplete without these other dimensions.


While understanding the science of nutrition and the body is essential (which is why we have it as part of the Transformational Nutrition Method), true healing and health goes far beyond that.

There is power behind thought, connection to a community, and something higher than self.

In Trebek’s case, science helped him to understand what had gone wrong in the body and what steps were required moving forward.

However, as Trebek mentioned, it seems something more than just the chemo was helping him move closer to remission!

Enter the importance of psychology and spirituality!


Whether you’re dealing with cancer or leaky gut, if you mentally throw in the towel it’s going to be challenging to keep your hopes up, energy high, and to ultimately improve your health.

However, when you shift your perception, fill your mind and body with positive affirmations, and stay in a high-vibe space mentally, the chances of you feeling better and seeing an improvement in your health may be much more possible.

While there may not be too many studies yet that show how positive thinking can change the outcome of a physical ailment, many rave that it’s been a driving force in their healing processes.

Either way, a negative mental space only creates more stress on an already stressed body. Whereas shifting into a positive mental space can provide some relief and boost happiness hormones.


Believing in something greater than yourself is a powerful practice. Plus, the power of finding community and support systems is essential for optimal health.

Studies show that a strong support system can significantly enhance physical health.

This is why it’s a staple component of the Transformational Nutrition Model and most likely something Trebek is experiencing on his journey since his diagnosis.

“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed towards me and their prayers,” he said. And he’s spot on to think that this support has something to do with his miraculous shift towards remission!


The Transformational Nutrition Method is the most cohesive, complete, and holistic approach to health available.

It brings oneness to all the essential components for optimal health and wellness.

If you’d like to learn more about Transformational Nutrition Method, head here!

What is your take on Trebek’s progress? Do you think it’s linked to something more than chemo?

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