Psychology of Nutrition

How To Balance Health As A Mompreneur

How to balance your health as an entrepreneur


Staying in shape as a mom has to be one of the most challenging things a mom has to do, but it’s one of the BEST things you can do for yourself.

Being “in shape” is not about being the same size or weight that you were pre-baby or when you were in your early 20s.

It’s about prioritizing your health and well-being so you can show up as the best version of yourself for your loved ones.

It’s also not about hating your body.

It’s truly about embracing your body in every season of your life because it’s the only body you get, and it’s up to YOU to take care of it.

Moms (and women in general) are notorious for putting their own needs aside as they prioritize everyone else’s needs before their own. Women tend to give more “of ourselves than to ourselves,” as Suze Orman put it.

This results in women “losing themselves” in motherhood, marriage, adulthood, and their careers.

And it leaves you feeling burnt out, undernourished, overworked, overweight, and unhealthy.


Not taking care of yourself, as a mom, does not improve the way you view yourself or increase your self-love, which is uber important because you are raising the next generation of human beings!

Getting and staying in shape is about more than the benefits of your physical health; it helps improve your mental health, as well. It’s no secret that regular exercise is a great way to regulate your hormones and release those feel-good endorphins. (Yes, please!)

You can’t teach your children to love themselves if you don’t love yourself!

As a mom, you know just how smart and intuitive your kids are. They totally know the difference “between do as I say, not as I do” and “do as I do”.

It’s your job as a mother to lead by example and to be the best role model for your children.

And if that’s not enough of a reason to take amazing care of yourself, I don’t know what is!

How to balance health when you're running your own business


Growing up, I honestly cannot remember a time where my mother looked in the mirror and said, “Wow! I love myself!” or “I love how I look in this outfit!”

I’m not sure when the last time she truly believed she was beautiful, and it breaks my heart.

And growing up, I had to do a lot of work to get to a place where I could honestly say I love myself just how I am. I love my body, and while I want to make some health improvements, overall I love myself!

This is the only body I get! This is the only face I have, and this is how my hair is! It took me way longer than it could have to embrace my natural self.

As a mother to a little girl, I want my daughter to love herself unapologetically and unconditionally. I don’t want her to have to work as hard to love herself as I had to.

I take it as my responsibility to pour so much love, life, and confidence into her, so she never stops loving herself exactly the way she is.


My mom is an amazing, hard-working, beautiful, talented, and dedicated mom, so I don’t blame her for anything.

She was the best mom and wife she knew how to be. I just wish that she could understand how truly amazing she is. I wish she could see the gorgeous, funny, loving, talented, intelligent human that I see when I look at her!

This article isn’t meant to shame or disempower any moms out there. If you’re reading this, I know you’re doing the best you can to be the best mama you can be!

And hear me when I say this — Mama, whatever shape you want to be in is your business, and it is your choice. Please do not let anyone convince you otherwise!


I understand the struggle.

Staying in shape is tough as a Mom!

I have a toddler, a husband, a 9 to 5 job, a coaching business, YouTube channel, and I could go on and on with the list of a hundred other responsibilities! We all can, right?

Staying in shape as a mom means being super intentional with your time and creating simple systems that make it easy to prioritize your health, as well as the health of your family.

It’s not going to be as easy to hit the gym as it was when you were single, so don’t expect it to be.

Not to mention, you probably had way more energy back then!

There were no crazy (and amazing) children vying for your attention, no spouse to tend to, no never-ending mounds of laundry to do, no business to start, no overtime to work — and that’s OK!

Life looks different now, and it’s a beautiful thing!


Many women make it tougher on themselves because they’re so caught up on what life was like before kids when they didn’t have to work as hard to stay in shape.

When in reality, they’re more than capable of achieving their desired shape if they learn to adapt their fitness routine to the season of life that they are in.

Though I’ve only been a mom just shy of two years, I’ve learned that my life is more manageable when I work in rhythm with all of the chaos, not against it.

Too often we are so focused on everyone else all of the time that we can’t see those pockets of time that we do get to ourselves like during our lunch break, when the kids are asleep, or when the laundry is in the washing machine.

Being a mom is a fantastic gift, but it doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice all of your needs. Make it a priority to spend some time alone, every day!

Yes, I mean time ALL. BY. YOURSELF. You can do it!


For me, this looks like waking up between 30 minutes to two hours earlier than my husband and daughter (depending on the day of the week).

I cherish my “Morning Mommy time”, and it’s non-negotiable for me! The days I wake up late and miss my time always leave me feeling a little off.

Maybe waking up earlier than you do now seems daunting, but try it! It is your duty to do all that you can to be as healthy as you can.

With consistency, you will be able to create a morning routine that will help you feel in control of your day. You can even use that time to get your workout in or meal prep for the day!

My husband typically goes to the gym in the morning, so I use my alone time to read, meditate, pray, and pack my lunch for the day!

I like to use my lunch breaks to hit the gym for a quick workout in 30 minutes or less! (That’s right, a short workout is better than NO workout!)

I take short rests and focus on compound exercises that workout more than one muscle group at the same time! (Work smarter, not harder!)

I also perform a lot of supersets, which means performing two exercises back to back with no rest, and circuit workouts, where I mix strength training with cardiovascular exercises!

Working out at lunch also allows me to spend more quality time with my family after work.

Also, making sure that about 85% of what I eat and drink is whole and nutrient dense is absolutely crucial so my energy remains high and I can keep up with my crazy, adorable toddler!

how to balance health as a busy mom


When I was new to fitness, I remember older women, some who were moms, telling me that I would not be as in shape after I had a baby or after I turned 30, but I chose never to accept that as the truth.

And I think that belief is the reason that many women don’t believe they can be in shape after having kids and as they age.

Being in shape truly starts with your mindset and what beliefs you accept as the truth.

If you believe that you are going to stay healthy as possible for your whole life, then you will take action in accordance with that belief!

In full transparency, one of my main sources of motivation for staying in shape is because I want to be a hot mom no matter what age I am — that is my vanity reason, and I completely own it! #sorrynotsorry

You don’t need to be in the gym seven days a week for an hour a day to stay in shape.

Focus on the quality of the time you’re spending exercising and be present, just as you would focus on quality time with your family.

Whatever you do, make sure you make the most of it. Utilize the time and resources that you have.

Even if you only have 10 minutes, you can make it work, mama! Try using free workouts from YouTube, Google, Pinterest, or Instagram.

Getting (and staying) in shape helps you to feel healthier, more energized, and capable of taking on the world (and your one million and one responsibilities)!

It will help you to take control of the only person you can control, which is yourself.


It absolutely breaks my heart when women tell me that they hate looking in the mirror. Especially because I know these women have dreams and incredible messages to share that they aren’t because they don’t feel comfortable in their own skin!

It’s heartbreaking to imagine how many more women would be living a life they love and doing amazing things in this world if they truly loved themselves.

To optimize your time, do your best to pre-plan your workouts and meals. And don’t be afraid to cook healthy meals for everyone in your family!

Women have told me that when they’re adopting a healthier way of eating, they cook different food for their spouse and kids. This makes it more difficult for us to stick to healthy eating and excludes our family from experiencing the benefits of a healthier diet, as well!

I understand making different portion sizes for everyone in your family but avoid cooking separate meals unless there are dietary restrictions.

My two-year-old daughter loves her greens and her smoothies! She loves to eat healthy food because that’s primarily what we feed her. Remember that you are in control of what goes into that pantry!


These days we are so blessed because there are so many healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods that we typically like to eat.

I keep healthy protein packed, nutrient dense snacks like roasted fava beans, vegan protein powder, Quest chips, and lentil snacks in my desk at work to prevent me from going to the vending machines or eating the sugar-filled baked goods that my coworkers often bring to share.

Try starting your day with a nutrient dense protein shake!

This is often one of the best things women, especially moms, can do because it’s quick and allows you to start your day putting tons of nutrients into your body as well as an adequate amount of protein to keep you satiated.

In my experience as a Health Coach, I’ve found that women do not eat nearly enough protein to build or even maintain good muscle mass!

Having a healthy protein shake for breakfast is the quickest and simplest ways to have a healthy breakfast, which will inspire you to stay on track and be conscious of what you consume during the rest of the day.


There you have it, my top tips for staying in shape as a busy, rockstar mom!

This is how I believe you as a mom can maintain a healthy body and mind throughout every season of your life and why it’s so important to do so.

There will always be more to do! There will always be more work, more laundry, more runny noses, more dishes to clean, and more errands to run!

So, remember to take care of what you can control so that you stay in control of your health and feel as sexy and beautiful and vibrant as you want to feel, Mama!

For more on Jelisa, head here!

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