Psychology of Nutrition

How to Allow Flow Without the Hustle

How To Allow Flow Without The Hustle

“Flow state hacking” — that’s what started poppin’ up spring bloom style in my browser after I searched, “Where does resistance come from?”

Because about a year ago I was becoming BEYOND frustrated with all this resistance I was experiencing.

I’d literally do anything and everything else except what I actually needed to do to move forward in my life. It was “SQUIRREL” this and “SQUIRREL” that!

And when I realized it could potentially be ‘solved’ by cultivating a flow state I was like, “Okay, yes!! I’m going to research the heck outta this!” I’m sure no one else does that! #ismellsarcasm

You know what I’m talking about — the new topic obsession that leads you down a rabbit hole!


So there I was, Sherlock & Holmes-ing this topic.

“State of Flow—those moments of rapt attention and total absorption, when you get so focused on the task at hand that everything else disappears and all aspects of performance, both mental and physical, go through the roof.” (So beautifully stated by the Flow Genome Project!)

I read that and thought, “BAM! I can CREATE that!”

We’ve all had those moments where all the stars seem to align, and it feels SO blissfully divine — like a juicy watermelon on a hot, summer day while lying beachside on a tropical island. #swoon

Little did I know that it’s not something we create; it’s something that we ALLOW. (Chew on that one for a moment!)


Do you follow public figures like Gary “V” (Vaynerchuk)? A lot of his (and a myriad of other successful entrepreneurs) messages are about “the hustle” — pushing through things to ‘make it happen.’

“Without hustle, your talent will only take you so far.” – Gary V.

I’ll admit that I love that guy because he is so FIRED up! (On eight cylinders, baby!)

However, I realized that that particular work style and mindset just wasn’t resonating or working for me. In fact, it was hindering my flow!

The more I attempted to create and hustle my way through my projects and task lists, the more resistance I felt.

Are you feeling these same vibes that I did? If so, tune in because this ‘new’ perspective just might be the magic you need to ALLOW the flow to happen.


Have you heard of the concept of ‘parallel realities’?

It’s the idea that there are alternate realities that exist all at the same time.

I know, I know! When I heard about it, I was thinking, “that’s even a bit too esoteric for my open mind!” Stay with me!

It’s as simple as this, any reality you can imagine yourself in now, currently exists.

So, if you imagine yourself with a boatload of clients, traveling the world with a long-term partner, staying in five-star hotels, and giving to a charity you’re super passionate about, it exists! (And if those are your life long goals, then we must be twin dreamers!).

If it exists, then you can TAP into that! Take a deep breath and let that sink in for a second!

If what you dream to happen already exists, then you don’t need to CREATE it! You need to ALLOW it to happen. (Mind-blowing, right?!)


You can tap into this flow by raising your ‘vibrational frequencies.’

It’s as easy as recalling things and/or people that invite you into having those feelings of happiness, playfulness, bliss, peace, serenity, and any other feelings that might take you to your “happy place”!

Here’s the deal, if you’re able to be in that high vibrational frequency more often, the easier your ‘to-do’s’ become!

Here’s the best part, not ONLY will they become easier, they will start to become FUN and easy to take action on your intentions.

Then you can ALLOW the universe to do what it does best, instead of feeling that resistance and being ‘stuck’ all the time. (Ain’t nobody likes that feeling!)

I get it! It’s easy to think, “If only I push hard enough, work hard enough, and HUSTLE hard enough, then everything will finally align for me!”

Let’s be honest, doesn’t that sound absolutely exhausting? For me, I’m thinking, “Oh no! Peace out!”


This transformative concept of high vibes combined with intention, action, and allowing the universe to orchestrate, allows your life long dreams to fall into place perfectly.

Let me see your hands go up! Who wants this? Count me in!

Let’s allow the universe to do its thang and get into our flow together! (Hold the resistance, please!)

Comment below and tell me how you get into your flow!

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