Psychology of Nutrition

Hard, Not Complicated: The Power of Rewriting Your Stories and Changing Your Life

Eric Hall, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach


We are joined by Eric Hall, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and founder of Find Your Feet, a 6-week weight loss masterclass. 

When people ask Eric Hall how he lost 165 pounds, most people are looking for his diet and exercise tips.

But, Eric insists that those two factors played a small part in his extreme weight loss journey.

Instead, he reached his goal by creating small milestones, celebrating his wins, and staying focused on making his future self proud. 


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Eric’s approach to weight loss is best summed up by his motto: hard, but not complicated.

He and Cynthia discuss the turning point that sparked Eric to take control over his health and find a sustainable weight loss solution.

Since then, he’s been working to help people who are intimidated by all the crash diets and contradicting weight loss information out there.

He also shares how he’s worked through feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt when it comes to being a Transformational Nutrition coach.

Listen to Episode 054 to Discover...
  • The moment Eric realized that being unhealthy was more difficult than being healthy 
  • Simplifying your approach to weight loss and getting back to basics 
  • How Eric paced himself and learned to really love his process of getting healthy 
  • Mindset shifts that helped Eric achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss 
  • Using the qualifications that life has given you to be the most effective coach you can be


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