Psychology of Nutrition

Are You Scared Of Success?

Are You Scared Of Success?

Fear of success? Why would anyone be scared of that?

Believe me — it’s totally a thing!

There’s fear of failure too, but fear of success could go hand in hand with it.

First, let’s have some #realtalk …

Could part of your fear of success be from your past trauma?

I’m talking about thinking back to your earliest memory of feeling rejection or being uncomfortable in the slightest way.

Trauma of all types could affect your belief system and what you think is “safe” or even possible for you.

The big question is… who’s in to do some transformational trauma work to overcome this fear of success and embrace those past traumas?

As a Business Coach to Health Coaches, transformational trauma work is one key piece of the puzzle that we dive into.

When you transform sneaky, underlying fears, you can really open the door to receiving the success you desire (and deserve)!

(Side note: Students in the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) program at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, you have access to the proven process called the Transformational Trauma Technique!

Why is knowing and understanding your past trauma so important when it comes to cultivating success?

Well, if you were born, then you have experienced trauma as ITN Founder, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia says (and I totally agree)!

Let’s dance with this and see how to know if fear is blocking you from success!



What is one thing you want right now but seems entirely impossible for you?

If you can imagine it and believe it, then it IS humanly possible.

Think about it!

Anytime you want, you can connect with anyone around the world on Instagram with the touch of a button!

There are no wires you can see, sound and video just happen (whoa, magic)!

If you’ve been stuck in the impossible state of mind, what if you started to imagine reversing it?

A book that’s currently expanding my mind is “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill! I highly recommend feeding your brain the idea of abundance and possibility!

past trauma


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE learning, and I’m a forever student (yes, that’s a thing)!

When it comes to being a successful Health Coach, what matters most is:

  • Showing up and sharing your story.
  • Connecting with potential clients.
  • Serving your paying clients.
  • Sharing offers with your ideal audience so you can serve more!

You see what I’m getting at — there comes a time when enough has to be enough!

Showing up and serving is truly the best way to feel like a credible Health Coach.

Credibility and validation come from within you. You must believe in yourself as the expert that you are.

Think of all the greats who came before us and who created something amazing.

Someone created the alphabet, someone created the concept of a college degree, and someone even created a spaceship!

You alone have the power to accept something as your reality and give it meaning.

So, expert Health Coach, what would you like to create in the world?


It’s time for shining a light on the truth to what is holding you back from health coaching success.

Are you ready for this?

  • Someday doesn’t exist (in my world MonYAY does)!
  • Tomorrow may never come.
  • There’s never going to be a “perfect” time.
  • Progress beats “perfect”.

The best way toward your success of helping people is… (drumroll, please!) showing up!

Your blog post can’t help someone if you don’t publish it.

Your education won’t have power if you keep it locked away in your mind.

And your dream clients will stay stuck until they know they can hire you.

I dare you — see what happens when you post, show up, and share. Those dream clients (who are willing to pay) will be so excited to work with you and get results they’ve been waiting for!

It’s time for you to own your expertise and let clients pay to work with you!


Past trauma can be a factor that’s blocking you from success (do your work to identify and release it). Some obstacles may seem real until you realize that they are totally possible to overcome!

I would bet you already know enough to help someone right now!

Please, don’t wait until it’s too late! Go ahead, imagine yourself braving the fear of success, showing up anyways, and serving your purpose.

Your health coaching business is going to create freedom, fulfillment, and the life you’ve been dreaming of (I know because I’ve been where you are)!

Go and get it NOW!

What is one thing you can do today to move towards success as a Health Coach?

Tell us in the comments below!

For one-on-one support on creating success with your health coaching business, schedule a free call with me at!

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