
Cumin And Rosemary Roasted Cauliflower Recipe

roasted cauliflower recipe keto

Growing up, my mom only prepared cauliflower three ways: steamed, covered in homemade cheese sauce, or raw on a veggie tray.

I don’t think I ever really knew how yummy cauliflower was because the flavor was always masked with cheese or ranch dressing.

Roasted cauliflower is a simple (and healthy) way to experience the deliciousness of cauliflower. Plus, it is a super quick and easy dinner side that takes minimal effort to prepare.

Roasted cauliflower can be prepared in many different ways. You can make basic roasted cauliflower with just a little sea salt or with any variety of your favorite seasonings!

Try sprinkling your vegetables with a high-quality parmesan cheese or try my favorite spiced roasted cauliflower recipe below.

Any way that you serve this easy cauliflower recipe, you will have a crave-worthy winner full of flavor and packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals!

quick roasted cauliflower recipes


(serves 4-6)


  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 4 T avocado oil or coconut oil
  • 1/2 t dried cumin
  • 1 t rosemary
  • 1 t sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 400° F
  2. Cut your cauliflower into florets. The smaller the florets, the faster they will cook. Place in a glass casserole dish or parchment-lined baking sheet.
  3. Pour oil over the cauliflower, sprinkle on seasonings, and toss gently.
  4. Roast for about 25 -30 minutes until the cauliflower is tender and caramelizing along the edges.


  • Try the same instructions for roasted broccoli.
  • To spice up the cauliflower recipe, try adding a dash of cayenne pepper and paprika.
  • Mince up garlic for a fun flavor and to boost your immune system.


Not only does cauliflower taste amazing, but it also offers a host of wonderful health benefits!

  1. Cauliflower is low in calories and high in fiber, which makes it a great food for weight loss and management! It only contains 25 calories per cup, and thanks to the 4 grams of fiber in each serving, you’ll feel satiated and keep your digestion in check!
  2. Cauliflower has a wide range of nutrients! From vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, manganese, magnesium, and the list goes on!
  3. It is an excellent low-calorie substitute for a variety of high-calorie foods — such as pizza crust, rice, and mashed potatoes! Try subbing out some of these foods for the cauliflower counterpart and enjoy a lighter meal (with a nutrient boost)!
  4. Cauliflower contains choline, which aids in many processes in the body and may even help prevent disease.
  5. Cauliflower can easily be enjoyed in any diet! And thanks to its mild taste and diverse texture, you can add this nutrient powerhouse to pretty much any meal!


Cauliflower is a wonderful addition to your diet. If you’re looking to add more vegetables and nutrients into your daily food intake, cauliflower is a great solution!

Plus, cauliflower can be a fun food to prep in various ways and get creative in the kitchen!

What’s your favorite way to enjoy cauliflower?

Hungry for more? Check out this Crazy Simple Cauliflower Soup Recipe!

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