Spirituality of Nutrition

3 Questions to Skyrocket Your Spiritual Growth in 2021

Reassessing Spiritual Growth

Our wish for you is that this past year was filled with abundance, joy, love, and so much personal growth!

As we revisit the past year, it’s essential that you reassess your spiritual growth!

Spiritual growth is a beautiful thing, and just as you must reassess other areas of your life at the end of each year, you must also devote time to getting honest and clear about the ways you deepened your connection and expanded on a spiritual level.

The fun thing about spiritual growth is that you might not notice how far you’ve come until you get quiet and reassess where you were.

Now for the fun part!

Set up a cozy, serene, and quiet area for this year-end activity. (This exercise is a requirement, by the way!)

Light incense, diffuse some oils, grab your favorite journal, a pen, crystals, and whatever else makes your environment perfect for this powerful and transformational exercise.

Get ready because you are going to be blown away with what comes up. Remember that emotions and tears are welcome during this exercise.

Tip: If the answers don’t come to you immediately, begin writing (write anything!) and see where it goes. Often our logical mind hinders the powerful truth that can be uncovered in exercises like this.

Use these three questions to get clear on your spiritual growth in 2020 and how you can enhance and deepen your spiritual growth in 2021.



The beautiful thing about connecting within is that there are endless ways to do it! Perhaps you read a spiritual book that helped you to take a look within and get clear on some deep-rooted beliefs.

Maybe you spent more time meditating and quieting your mind. This can even count as the time you spent outside becoming one with Mama Nature.

There is no right or wrong answer. Whatever feels like an inner connection for you counts. Don’t judge what comes up, just write it down!

Conversely, maybe you find that you didn’t do enough or devote enough time to connecting within this past year. That’s okay too!

Again, do not judge yourself. This exercise will merely provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to create an abundance of spiritual growth in the New Year.


Answering this question will help you review what spiritual practices resonated with you the most this past year. Keep in mind that the answer to this question will often change as you grow, learn, and become more enlightened.

The various spiritual practices available to you are endless, so to help your creative juices flow, here are a few examples!

  • Crystals
  • Mediation
  • Grounding
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Nature walks
  • Setting intentions
  • Mantras
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Visualization
  • Prayer
  • Affirmations
  • Tai Chi
  • Breath exercise
  • Chanting or singing
  • Painting

It would also be helpful to make a list of spiritual practices you’re curious about, as it will help you to answer the last question.


Now you get to lay out a plan to implement in the coming year. Have fun, be curious, and challenge yourself to do practices that take you out of your comfort zone.

By getting clear on what practices you’ll use to deepen your spiritual growth, you’ll be able to plan it out, do the research and commit to these practices even in those times you’re feeling less than spiritual.

Keep in mind that these practices can be ones you’ve been using for some time. Building upon old practices you find powerful for your growth is a beautiful way to create rituals and reassess your growth from year to year.

After answering these three questions, give yourself some time to re-read and sit with the answers that came up.

Use them to set an intention for 2021 and to reconnect with your spiritual self. After the holidays, it’s easy to feel ungrounded and slightly disconnected.

This exercise will give you the tools you need to ground, center, and reconnect within. Be sure not to rush this exercise and give yourself a little extra time to go through it.

Bonus tip: Keep this exercise handy so you can revisit it after six months or even quarterly! The more you reassess your spiritual growth, the more you’ll learn what’s working and what isn’t serving you.

Tell us below when you plan to set aside time to reassess your spiritual growth.

Want more information on spiritual growth? Read this article!

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  1. […] Need some help deepening your spiritual connection? Check out this article for tips on how to Skyrocket Your Spiritual Growth! […]

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