Psychology of Nutrition

Can You Please Not Chew So Loud?


Have you ever heard of Misophonia?

Well, if you become nauseous, or anxious, or angry, or distressed when you hear the sound of people chewing, you might not just be dramatic.

Well, okay, you might still be dramatic in other areas of life, but not this one.

It turns out that you are experiencing a medical condition known as Misophonia.

But, what does that even mean, and why did you get so unlucky as to experience it!?

While research is slightly limited on Misophonia, more and more people are relating to feeling triggered by certain sounds.

And, unfortunately, the condition can seriously hinder one’s personal and social life.

Try going out to eat, or hanging out with friends, or participating in other social events when there’s a chance you may become triggered by a noise as common as chewing gum.

With the research that has been done, we know that Misophonia causes actual emotional responses in several areas of the brain when activated.


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Misophonia can be a lonely condition to face, as many assume people who suffer from the condition are simply overreacting.

That is why so many are seeking help to overcome this everyday obstacle they must face.

Even ITN Founder Cynthia Garcia deals with this response to sound and has ever since she was a child!

The good news is that you are not alone, and we are here to help you!


Listen to Episode 008 to Discover...
  • Exactly how misophonia can seriously affect your social life
  • How to navigate the stigma of dealing with what others label an “insignificant” annoyance
  • Why focusing on your mental nutrition daily can ease the triggers of misophonia and reduce the severity of your response


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  1. Rebecca says:

    I also thought I was the only one, until I finally searched similarl things! Those who don’t have it seriously don’t get it, at all. All the noises, all the repetitive movements, they’ve triggered all the feelings.

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