Business Skills

3 Personal Branding Tips to Help You Make More Money

Personal branding is a crucial part of building and shaping a nutrition coaching business. However, not many coaches truly understand what it takes to build a strong personal brand.

So think of it this way — when you think about going to the grocery store and grabbing things like yogurt, bread, frozen fruit, cinnamon, do you automatically think of a specific brand that you always grab?

Maybe you always grab the same coffee creamer, or the same tortillas.

You don’t even need to think as you walk down the aisle of the grocery store to grab that item. Your brain subconsciously registers the colors and fonts of the products, the packaging the products come in, etc. You can quickly grab and go because you trust that brand.

Now, of course, your coaching business is not the same as a coffee creamer. However, building a personal brand has the same effect.

Your personal brand shows people who you are, what you can do for them, and it helps them trust you.

At its core, personal branding comes down to 3 key actions — clarity, consistency, and constancy.

Clarity: How easy is it to understand who you are, what you do, and why people should purchase your products?

Consistency: Does your messaging come across as uniform, or do you often switch styles?

Constancy: Do you show up every day in front of your audience?


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Now, keep in mind a couple of things…

First of all, your brand will evolve and change as YOU evolve and change. Don’t be afraid to adapt your personal brand so that it continues to feel right for you.

Second of all, none of this should require you creating something. You don’t create a personal brand. What is there to create?! Your personal brand is YOU. Instead, your personal brand must be discovered.


Listen to Episode 023 to Discover...
  • How to practically implement the “3 C’s” of personal branding into your business
  • How to keep your messaging consistent even as you evolve as a coach 
  • The #1 mistake Cynthia sees coaches make when it comes to personal branding 
  • Examples of how simple, concise language helps attract the right clients 
  • Questions to ask yourself when cultivating your personal brand 
  • Ways to measure your branding impact and consistency


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