Science of Nutrition

5 Simple Steps to Help Your Body Rest and Digest

Functional gastrointestinal disorders affect 35% to 70% of people at some point in their life. 

Stress can be a major trigger for symptoms like bloating and discomfort, so it’s not a surprise that during these last couple of years, Cynthia has seen an uptick in the amount of clients, coaches, and friends that have come to her looking for advice about how to get their digestive health back on track. 


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On today’s episode, Cynthia shares five simple tips that you can incorporate in your own life or recommend to your clients to help get back into a state of “rest and digest.”

She breaks down the go-to breathing exercise she does before she sits down for a meal, how she reduces distractions while she eats, and tricks to slow yourself down while you’re eating.

She also talks about the benefits she’s experienced from implementing a post-dinner family walk, and tools for developing a support system to help manage external stress and anxiety.


Listen to Episode 048 to Discover...
  • Why the gut is often referred to as ‘the second brain’ 
  • What conscious eating is and how it affects digestion 
  • The power of taking 10 deep, calming breaths before you start to eat 
  • How to get yourself out of the habit of eating in front of a TV or computer screen
  • How eating with loved ones and taking a post-meal stroll can aid with digestion


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