Coaching Skills

How to Maximize Your Memory to Best Serve Your Clients with Jim Kwik


One of the fears that holds coaches back from not pursuing their dreams is the concept of information overwhelm.

There’s this pressure to know absolutely everything about health and wellness, but we all know that’s simply impossible. 

Luckily, world-renowned memory and brain coach Jim Kwik has amazing solutions for that exact problem.

Jim offers executive coaching services to students, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, and he joins Cynthia on this episode to explain how you can retain key information as a coach. 


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Jim breaks down how to optimize your memory for everything from research and statistics to names and faces.

He illustrates the connection between memory lapses and multitasking, and how simple brain training exercises can help you stay focused.

He also shares tips for speed reading and better comprehension, which will help you stay on top of all the latest information in the health and nutrition space.


Listen to Episode 064 to Discover...
  • The four key ways to absorb information FASTER 
  • How to increase your reading speed by 25% to 50%
  • Tips for being powerfully present with your clients 
  • The 10 critical lifestyle habits that will support your memory 
  • How “digital dementia” might be limiting your ability to retain information (and how to start reversing those effects)

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