Coaching Skills

3 Fears That Hold People Back From Becoming a Health Coach


There are three specific fears that Cynthia has noticed with people who want to become coaches, but don’t take any action towards making their dream a reality.

In this episode, she addresses what they are and explains how you can overcome them. 


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The number one limiting belief that people feel held back by is that they’re introverted.

As a homebody herself, Cynthia shares strategies that she’s implemented to ensure she can protect her peace and show up as the best possible version of herself for every client. 

Potential coaches often fear that they need to be an expert in all areas of wellness and look a certain way, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Coaches also never have to resort to sales tactics that aren’t in alignment with how they want to run their business, which is one of the major benefits of being your own boss.  

Listen in as Cynthia breaks down the common misconceptions about what it takes to be a coach and shares resources to get started with your coaching career today!

Listen to Episode 062 to Discover...
  • The easiest trick to managing your energy as a coach
  • How to build your career around modalities that light you up 
  • Tips for staying grounded and guided by your bigger purpose for becoming a coach 
  • The best way to address where your fear of selling or marketing might be coming from 
  • How to handle situations with clients when you don’t have the answer right away


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