Coaching Skills

Do I Need A Certification As A Health Or Life Coach?

certification that pays well

Becky finally embraced her fears and took the leap to leave her secure, full-time job to pursue her dream of becoming a Life Coach!

For years, friends and family (and friends of theirs) had been coming to her seeking guidance and life coaching.

It was clear she had not only a passion for it but also a knack!

Her full-time, corporate job wasn’t bringing her joy anymore; in fact, it left her feeling stressed more than fulfilled.

She knew there was something more to life! Becky dreamed of being her own boss, creating a higher level of income, and doing something that made a difference in this world and left her with a full heart.

While Becky could feel the fear welling up inside of her, she also knew that it was the step she needed to take in order to fulfill her purpose.

As Becky prepared for her transition, she couldn’t help but wonder, “Do I really need to become a certified Life Coach? Or, can I build a successful life coaching business without any formal training?”

This is a great question!

In fact, this is a question we often see in the Health Coach and Life Coach industry. While receiving a certification to practice as a Health or Life Coach isn’t mandatory, we (along with most other experts) highly recommend it!


Did you know that 60% of Americans want health coaching, but only 20% of them have had it offered to them?

As more and more people are hiring Health Coaches and Life Coaches, we are seeing more regulations — especially from state to state.

And because Health and Life Coaches are hired to support their client’s journey to health and happiness and not to diagnose, prescribe, or treat, it’s essential to understand exactly what you can and cannot do as a coach.

While it isn’t required to become certified as a Health Coach or Life Coach, becoming certified can offer you protection, credibility, knowledge, and set you apart in a sea of coaches.

Here are 7 reasons why becoming a certified Health Coach or Life Coach is highly recommended by anyone who is anyone in the industry (and beyond)!


You’ve heard it before, and we’ll say it again, all the greats have coaches or teachers!

The best of the best in any industry, sport, or business always invest in themselves by hiring a coach!

Acquiring a certification as a Health Coach or Life Coach is just the same!

When you invest in yourself by becoming a certified coach, you’re setting yourself up for a more successful business, and you expand your knowledge.

Plus, you demonstrate to your clients and potential clients the importance of working with someone.

Ask most people if they’d rather work with a coach who invests in themselves or a coach who doesn’t and you’ll find that most people prefer a coach who makes that investment in their personal and professional growth!


Any high-quality and credible health or life coaching certifications are accredited.

Accreditations are organizations that ensure that certification programs are of the highest quality and standards.

Any school that is accredited will offer you a science-based education! However, that doesn’t mean all schools are created equally!

The Institute of Transformational Nutrition is proudly accredited by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), the Health Coach Alliance (HCA), and many others.

health coach certification


Because you not only carry your certification as a Health Coach, but you are also backed by accreditations, you’ll feel more comfortable charging higher prices (as you’ll be worth it). Plus, you’ll attract a higher-paying clientele!

Most often clients who are willing to pay more for a Health Coach or Life Coach, are happy to pay a higher package price for a coach who has invested in themselves and has credible proof of their education!


If you’re interested in growing your business as a Health or Life Coach, a great way to do just that is to collaborate with other Health Care professionals!

But here’s the thing, most Health Care professionals are only interested in collaborating or working with a Health Coach or Life Coach that has the appropriate credentials.

These professionals are often looking for a certified Health or Life Coach from a school that is accredited. Do you see how this all comes full circle?


As a certified Health or Life Coach, you’ll have the opportunity to lead group coaching programs, work with clients one-on-one, become a motivational speaker, write a book, host a podcast, and collaborate with other highly esteemed Health Care professionals.

This is all fine and dandy until someone asks for your credentials and you have none to show.

People are looking for Health Coaches and Life Coaches who have done the work and put in the time.

You’ll much more likely be able to score a speaking gig, be invited on a podcast, or asked to collaborate with another Health Care expert or professional if you have some credentials to back your certification and business.


How could we forget to mention that by going through a certification program, you’ll be saving yourself time and money from trial and error?

That’s right! A high-quality certification program, like the programs at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, will set you up with all the guidance you need to build a thriving business, be a highly sought-after coach, and create a program that is based on a proven system.

There’s no guesswork involved!

Whether it’s an intake form, knowing how to personalize a plan for a client, or various coaching techniques, a high-quality program will teach and equip you with the tools you need to get started on the right foot.

ITN’s Founder and Director, Cynthia Pasquella-Garcia, has spent years learning and perfecting our coaching system.

Instead of spending years trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t work, take the shortcut by investing in becoming a certified coach! (Cynthia did the work, now you get to benefit from it!)


Being a Health or Life Coach and entrepreneur doesn’t have to be a lonely career path!

At least not when you have a community of certified Health or Life Coaches behind you! By enrolling in a health or life coaching school, you’re gaining a group of like-minded individuals who have gone through the program before you and are going through it with you.

The immense support, collaboration, and opportunity that comes from this group of individuals are unlike anything you’ll experience elsewhere.

It’s essential to have support on your journey. Plus, it’s a smart business move to collaborate with others. Finding your tribe through a certification is an easy way to connect with others just like you and on a similar path.


If you’re like Becky and wondering if a certification makes that big of a difference as a Health Coach or Life Coach, you can rest assured that it absolutely does.

Invest in yourself and gain the tools to create a thriving coaching business as a Health Coach, Life Coach, Business Coach, or Wellness Coach.

Head here to learn how you can become a Health Coach or Life Coach through the Institute of Transformational Nutrition.

Did this article help you decide your next step? If so, tell us in the comments!

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