Coaching Skills

5 Ways to Get Clients Without Social Media


Whether you love social media or you’d rather stay unplugged, we can all admit that it can be overwhelming, especially for coaches.

In this episode, Cynthia shares five ways to build your brand, share your message, and attract clients — without spending another second using social media.


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You should never put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to growing your business, yet it seems like every coach turns to social media first.

Cynthia highlights ways to get involved in your community, particularly with small businesses that are health and wellness oriented.

She breaks down how some ITN grads have collaborated with local gyms and really made a name for themselves in their area. 

Other ways to broaden your reach include working with press and local publications, creating long-form content on a blog or website, building your email list, and setting up a referral program.

Listen to hear Cynthia’s advice for spending less time scrolling and more time working with clients.


Listen to Episode 060 to Discover...
  • How to prepare a pitch and offer for a local business collaboration 
  • Creative ways to establish credibility and get your name out there 
  • How often you want to ideally communicate with your email list subscribers 
  • The one tip that can DOUBLE your revenue
  • How to capture the power of word-of-mouth recommendations 


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